2018.11.18 Feast of Anointment of the Sick

Feast of Anointment of the Sick. Followed by party gathering of our Senior brothers and sisters, coordinated by the Bereavement Ministry.

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Bereavement ministry ceremonial training May 7, 2017.

Bereavement ministry ceremonial training May 7, 2017.

今天十分感謝天主教善別協會成員協助,讓講座順利進行,內容豐富及具實用性,逾100人出席,恩寵滿盈!善別小組 組長: 王秀玲 Veronica Wong

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Bereavement Ministry 善别小組

簡介: 協助有需要的教友辦理殯葬事宜。小組神師為胡家恩修女。

服務: 聯繫、陪伴、聆聽、關懷與安慰亡者家屬,協助神父並代表堂區為亡者安排及主持殯葬儀式。

組長: 王秀玲 Veronica Wong。

聯絡方法:聖亞納堂: (2813 0206 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1727 Hits