Opportunities for service within the St. Anne's Community.

Service Sunday

This weekend at St. Anne's is called SERVICE SUNDAY. It is a time when all parishioners are asked to consider participating in one of the Church's ministries as a volunteer. Volunteer opportunities range from once a year (Parish Barbeque), to 3-4 times a school-year serving coffee and baked goods between masses (Hospitality Committee), to 2-3 Friday mornings a month getting the Chapel ready for Liturgies (Beautification Committee), to several times a year at times we are already in mass (Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Readers, one of two Choirs, Ushers, and Greeters), to every school-session Sunday (Sunday School/CCD Teachers).

On Saturday night the sign-up sheets will be in the back of the Church after mass. On Sunday, the sign-up sheets will be in the school yard adjacent to the Chapel.

Please reference the separate sheet accompanying this week's Bulletin that speaks more in detail about each Ministry that is seeking volunteers.

Thank you, Fr. John

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Opportunities for Service at St. Anne's

At St. Anne's, we ask parishioners, young and old, to offer some service for specific activities and ministries that will be carried out over the course of the year.

Participation from each family in this endeavor is critical to the quality of our common parish life. Some needs have relatively small time commitments and do not require experience.

Following is a list of active ministries in the Parish. Please consider offering your services on Service Sunday, September 6th, or contact Fr. John or Jacqueline Wu, our Parish Secretary, to let us know that you are willing to offer service in some way. 

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of responding to our needs.

--Fr. John


English-Speaking Parish Council

The council consists of the pastors, four officers (chairman, deputy chairman, treasurer and secretary) and representatives of the various English-speaking ministries. The Filipino community group and the Chinese parish council are represented on the English-speaking council. The council tries to meet once a month except over the summer, when many expatriates are away, and welcomes all parishioners to attend its meetings.

Acolytes Ministry

The Acolyte (Altar Server) Ministry, coordinated by Chris and Moka Quinlan, provides Acolytes at all of the English speaking weekend Masses. Training is held during the month of September for children and adults new to the ministry.

Building Committee

The Building Committee, chaired by Randy Quinn, deals with renovations and repairs to the church building and its fabric.


Parish volunteers produce a weekly English language bulletin with contributions from our Pastors and from each of the parish ministries.

CCD Ministry

The CCD Ministry provides a religious education program for the parish’s English-speaking children. St. Anne’s is blessed to be the only English-speaking Catholic church in Hong Kong that provides a curriculum from Pre K through Confirmation. Most years the ministry has well over 200 students with high demand for our sacramental classes.  Last year we successfully piloted a Saturday evening class that allowed some of our athletic rugby students more flexibility to meet their sacramental requirements while still being able to participate in the sport that they love.  To do all of this though, we require a team of over thirty dedicated adults to share their time and faith with our children.  But what could be more important?  Please consider volunteering your time with our Ministry.  The CCD Administrative team this year is Sandra Gallaudet, Tracey Keller, Paul Munder and Amy Turner.

Church Beatification Ministry

The Church Beautification Ministry, coordinated by Angel Lee, keeps the church beautiful, in particular by arranging flowers on the altar. 

Eucharistic Ministry

The Eucharistic Ministry provides Eucharistic ministers for all the English speaking weekend Masses. It also organizes training for Eucharistic ministers. 

Filipino Catholic Group

The Filipino Catholic Group, coordinated by Lorenda Rafanan, is open to all Filipino Catholics, and its objectives are to promote Christian Fellowship, service to the community, spiritual growth, and inter-personal relationships among its members.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry seeks volunteers to support CCD class teachers in the coordination of a snack table offered to parishioners once or twice a month. Parishioners are invited to gather on these occasions after the Sunday 8.45AM Mass on a pre-determined schedule linked to the religious education class timetable.

Lectors Ministry

The Lectors Ministry, coordinated by Vivian Lee and Markus Shaw, organizes training and provides lectors for all the English-speaking weekend Masses.

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary, coordinated by Jeneveb Arabia, holds legislative weekly meetings on Sundays from 10:15-11:45 AM. Its Choir sings at every 8:45 AM Mass, and it engages in outreach to the needy, the elderly and the handicapped as well as evangelization works.

Meditation Group

The Meditation Group, coordinated by Vivian Lee, meets weekly to have quiet time with the Lord in silence. We practice the John Main style of meditation.

Music Ministry

The music ministry, coordinated by Agnes Chiu Lee and Peggie Fitch Yu, provides music at the English speaking weekend Masses, including those which are broadcast, on the major feast days of the church, and for First Holy Communion, Confirmation and other ceremonies. We always welcome new members to join us. 

Outreach Ministry

Sister Wu coordinates the Outreach Ministry, which does valuable work for the Cheshire Home in Chung Hom Kok (including the organization of Masses for the residents and an annual Christmas party for them). 

Parish BBQ

Each year, St. Anne’s hosts a BBQ that brings together all of the communities of the Parish. Coordinated by Ken Ward, this year’s event will take place in early December on the grounds of St. Stephen’s College. Volunteers from the parish community coordinate the many activities required to bring this event to life.

Ushers Ministry

The Ushers Ministry, coordinated by Lorenda Rafanan, arrives early before Mass to open the church's doors and give a warm welcome to parishioners. They assist in seating people, invite volunteers to present offertory gifts, take up the collection, serve as a guide to facilitate the flow of communion, and distribute bulletins and other materials at the end of Mass.


The Website Ministry, coordinated by Patrick Kaye, administers the parish’s English language website, which receives thousands of visits each month. We always welcome the participation of parishioners in expanding St. Anne’s online presence. No technical expertise required!

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Parish Information Booklet

Parish Information Booklet

Welcome to St. Anne’s Church and to our vibrant faith community!

We hope that this small booklet can help newcomers and parishioners alike to understand the many ministries and services offered through the St. Anne's parish. 

May it also serve as an invitation to you to offer your services, using the gifts with which God has blessed you.

Download your copy: St. Anne's Welcome Book


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