The Usher Ministry is one of the busiest  ministries in our parish. Ushers arrive early before Mass to open the church's doors and give a warm welcome to the parishioners. They assist in seating people, invite volunteers to present offertory gifts, take up the collection, serve as a guide to facilitate the flow of communion, and distribute...

The Usher Ministry is one of the busiest  ministries in our parish. Ushers arrive early before Mass to open the church's doors and give a warm welcome to the parishioners. They assist in seating people, invite volunteers to present offertory gifts, take up the collection, serve as a guide to facilitate the flow of communion, and distribute bulletins and other materials at the end of Mass. Dedication is needed in this ministry because duties start before Mass and continue throughout the entire service until the last parishioner has left.  This ministry is open to all nationalities.  For inquiries please call Lorenda Rafanan Ushers Coordinator at 91079805 or


A Request from the Usher Ministry

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lack of volunteers from the Usher Ministry, the distribution of parish before each Mass will be suspended. If you wish to have a copy of the bulletin please help yourself and feel free to get your copy at the back of the church and bring it with you when you go home for meditation and/or to have a reference for the church's upcoming activities. Please do not leave copies of the parish bulletin on the pews for health safety reasons. 

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Usher Ministry

One of our Ushers' responsibilities is to help you find a seat and to make sure you are comfortable during our Masses. We can only make this happen with your full cooperation.

If you arrive early, please occupy the front seats. Our advice to late-comers and to those who plan to leave before the end of the Mass is to please approach the ushers at the back of the church (they all wear ID tags). They are always happy to assist you in finding a seat quickly, and this way we can avoid disturbances and disruptions to the celebrant and other parishioners. The same goes for parishioners with babies and small children.

St. Anne's Church is a safe church  with many side doors and plenty of exits in case of  emergency. Thank you very much for your cooperation. For queries please contact Lorenda Rafanan at

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Ushers: Call for Volunteers

Serving the church is serving God.  It is not yet Service Sunday, but, like the other ministries, the Usher Ministry is also in need of more volunteers-- not only on Sunday but also for the Saturday 6:00PM Mass.  At that Mass, we are in need of a person who will organize parishioners to participate in the offering and the collection.

We ask those who attend Mass regularly on Saturday evening to please consider helping in this ministry.  

Please contact Lorenda Rafanan, Ushers Coordinator, at or 9107-9805.


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