Online Registration For Religious Education Classes

Online Registration For Religious Education Classes

Online registration is now available for 2024-25 religious education classes here on the St. Anne's Website.

This year, we are offering a limited number of Sacramental and Regular Classes for students in First Holy Communion (YOB 2017), Regular CCD (YOB 2013-2016), Pre-Confirmation (YOB 2012) and Confirmation (YOB 2011).

Classes will be conducted in English at 10:00AM on Sunday mornings. We look forward to welcoming our current as well as new students to the program.

To register please log in to the St. Anne's website with your username and password in order to gain access to the CCD registration system. 

First-time users can create a new account from the homepage of the site.

The registration link will appear on the main menu as "CCD Registration" after login.

Continue Reading for all the information you need to get started!

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Women’s Walk to Emmaus Retreat, December 7-10

An extraordinary opportunity awaits women - the HK Walk to Emmaus Retreat - the first in four years for women. 

This is an ecumenical retreat that renews and strengthens the faith of Christian believers. 

The retreat will take place December 7-10 at Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre in Sha Tin.

For more information and to register, please visit the WTE website at

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English CCD Classes Begin September 25th

Catechism classes (in English) start on Sep 25thEnrollment for Catechism is still open for all those born between 2009 to 2015

Kindly enroll on our St Anne's CCD online platform ( with the necessary documentation required. 

We look forward to welcoming our current as well as new students to the program.

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Bible Study

The mother church reminds us that, as members, we need to walk together and journey together.  Walking together means deepening our faith and knowledge together. For this reason, St. Anne's Church will start regular Bible Study, and we are seeking more people to be team members

If you are interested, please contact Margie at +852 68011288 or the Church WhatsApp on +852 55890100.

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Religious Education Program at St. Anne’s

Religious education classes will start on 03 Oct 2021. The classes will be from 10:00-11:00 AM at the Parish Hall.

This year, we plan to offer a limited number of Sacramental Classes for students preparing for First Holy Communion, Pre-Confirmation, and Confirmation.

If your children have not yet received these sacraments, we encourage you to register for Fall CCD classes as soon as possible. 

For First Holy Communion class, children should be born no later than 2014. For Pre-Confirmation class, no later than 2009, and for Confirmation class, no later than 2008. 

For complete instructions and to register, please follow this link.
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Join the Walk to Emmaus This Fall!

We would like to invite all Parishioners of St. Anne's to join the many before who have participated in the Walk to Emmaus in Hong Kong.  

Like its predecessor, Cursillo de Christiandad ("short course in Christianity"), the Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience, which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle. It is a highly structured weekend designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people, and through them: their families, congregations, and the world in which they live. Emmaus is a combined effort of laity and clergy towards the renewal of the Church.

The next Walks will take place at the Tao Fong Shan Christian Center in Shatin.

The Men's Walk #73 will take place from Thursday evening, October 26 to Sunday afternoon, October 29

The Women's Walk #74 will take place from Thursday evening, November 2 to Sunday afternoon, November 5

For more information, please contact:
Patrick Kaye at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or whatsapp 9011-5028 for the Men's Walk or 
Vivian Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or whatsapp 6100-0880 for the Women's Walk

At Emmaus you will spend three busy but very enjoyable days at a retreat center. You will live and study together in singing, prayer, worship, and discussion. Discussion centers around fifteen talks given by laity and clergy. These talks present the theme of God's grace, and how that grace comes alive in the Christian community and expresses itself in the world. You'll also discover how grace is real in your life, and how you can live in the life of grace, bringing grace to others. You will have the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and to begin to understand more fully the presence of Christ in his body of believers. You will experience God's grace personally through the prayers and acts of service of a living support community.

Your Walk lasts only 72 hours, but you are invited to build on it for the rest of your life. Those who attend a Walk to Emmaus are encouraged to do two things following their Walk:
1. Expand their own spiritual lives through study and congregational participation.
2. Become more active disciples of Christ in the world through their churches.
The focus of Emmaus is God as known in Jesus Christ, and how a relationship with Him finds expression in the local church. The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, and places of work.

In Hong Kong the Walk to Emmaus community includes people from more than 160 Christian churches, of many different denominations, who come together in fellowship to deepen their relationship with Christ and with each other. There is so much more that unites us than divides.

  1207 Hits

CCD Program

Thank you to all of our teachers, parents and students for the wonderful start that took place last week. A special thanks to the parents that have come forward to help teach the Grd 6 class. All of our Sunday classes are now running. Please also remember for FHC Parents we have a meeting @ 10am in the Parish Hall .

We are starting a Saturday evening "Rugby" FHC class. If you are interested please reach out to the CCD team. And always, we do need parents that are willing to stand in and substitute if a teacher is ill or traveling. Please let the team know if you are willing to be on the substitute list.

In Him,
Paul Munder | CCD Team | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1335 Hits

CCD Program

Thank you to all of our teachers, parents and students for the wonderful start that took place last week. A special thanks to the parents that have come forward to help teach the Grd 6 class. All of our Sunday classes are now running.

Some upcoming events to keep in front of everyone:


17 Confirmation Parents' Meeting @ 8:45am in Rm 106

24 Pre Confirmation Parents' Meeting @ 10am in the Parish Hall

     Teachers' Commissioning Mass @ 11:15am


29 FHC Parents' Meeting @ 10am in the Parish Hall

We are starting a Saturday evening "Rugby" FHC class. If you are interested please reach out to the CCD team.

And always, we do need parents that are willing to stand in and substitute if a teacher is ill or traveling. Please let the team know if you are willing to be on the substitute list.

In Him,

Paul Munder|CCD Team This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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CCD Program Calendar

Dear CCD Families

Attached below you will find the new CCD calendar for the 2017-8 school year. 

In Him,
Paul Munder 
CCD Director | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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CCD Program

Thank you to all our returning and new families and teachers. This weekend is the start of classes and we are very excited to be able to work with your children this year. Please take a moment to read the following important pieces of information:

1) Class lists have been posted on the classroom doors as well as in the front of the school when you enter. If you do not see your child's name or believe there has been an error please come visit us in the CCD Office in the school area. if you haven't yet given your payment, please do so as soon as you can.

2) The program calendar will be given to each of your children plus posted in front of the Parish Office and on the St. Anne's website ( Please make sure you receive a copy (extras will be in the CCD office) and mark the important dates on your personal/family's calendar.

3) I am speaking with a parent, Fiona Glynn, about holding a Saturday evening "Rugby" FHC class. Should you be interested in having your child attend this class please let us know. It is open to children with other Sunday conflicts that are born in 2010 or 2009. Please note that this class will need support from the parent that have children in it. The children are expected to attend mass after the class on Saturday evenings.

4) We are still compiling a list of substitute teachers. If you are willing to cover a class for a teacher who may be ill or traveling please reach out to the CCD and let us know.

It is a privilege for me to be able to be a part of this program and I thank you for your participation as well.

In Him,
Paul Munder

CCD Director | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  1350 Hits

CCD Program

 Welcome to all of our families whether you are returning to us from last year or joining us for the first time.

The CCD Registration page is open. If you have not registered your children yet, you can find the link on the St. Anne's web site after you log in. We are asking all families to register their children if they wish to join the classes this year. Please do this by 10am on Sunday, 27th August to give us enough time to have everything ready to start classes.

Classes will begin on Sunday, the 10th September.

We most likely will be in need of teachers this year. If you are willing to serve our ministry, which it is run 100% by volunteers, please let us know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). We need teachers, co teachers, teacher assistants and office help.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone very soon.

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CCD Confirmation Photos

CCD Confirmation Photos

Following is the link to the Confirmation photographs by Jeffery Lai

His phone is 9360 8181 and his email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Thank You to Teachers & Teachers’ Aides for CCD

I would personally like to thank my team and all the teachers that have given of themselves this year in support of the youngest in our community on their faith formation. Without this group's time, care and commitment, all of the things that we do would not have been possible. Thank you to this year's teachers:

  • Pre K & Kindergarden: Kirsten Zaki, Dawn Ng and Bridget Sippel
  • Grade 1: Damien Abdallah, Kassi Ponder and Isabella Munder
  • Grade 2: Serene Tan, Chad Olsen, Clare Clayton and Aoife O'Connor
  • Grade 3: Mia De Leon, Elaine Shum and Rachel Chang
  • Grade 4: Tammi Williams, Elizabeth Foster and Agnes Shu
  • Grade 5: Rebecca Nicholls and Melissa Brewster
  • Grade 6: Gigi Tse
  • Pre-Confirmation: Paul Munder and Benny Berkenkotter
  • Confirmation: Amy Clayton and Andrew Turner
  • Older FHC Group: Sylvia Shu
  • CCD Administration Team: Sandra Galladet, Amy Turner and Irinah Berkenkotter

A huge thank you to each and everyone of these individuals.Your contribution was greatly appreciated. 

Paul Munder

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Teachers & Teachers’ Aides for CCD

Perhaps the most critical ministry in which the Church engages is passing the faith on to those we most treasure, our children. Teaching the faith was the role first given to the Apostles after Jesus' resurrection, and it remains the primary ministry of Bishops today. Teaching our own children in structured ways such as CCD is a concrete and vital actualization of that sacred ministry.

We are making a special appeal for women and men, both mature and in their teen years, to step forward before the Summer break to commit to leading a class in our CCD program starting in September. In the nine months between mid September to the 3rd week of May, there are approximately 25 scheduled class sessions and almost 10 weeks of recesses during school holidays. Please be generous to God's mission among us for our children through this vital ministry

We are looking for teachers, administration staff, and a possible new leader of the program for the next generation of CCD.You can contact me, Paul Munder, Sandra Gallaudet, or Amy Turner in the next 3 weeks to convey your willingness.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration. Fr. John

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St. Anne’s Men’s Bible Study Group

Are you interested in a deeper study and understanding of the Scriptures? Would you like to experience the life-changing gifts of the Word of God? 

The St. Anne's Men's Bible Study Group has been meeting since 2009 and we always welcome newcomers. 

We now meet in Central/Admiralty on Monday lunchtimes at 12:45pm and will be studying St John's Gospel. 

Please join us for fellowship and study! Please call or email Markus Shaw for more details: 9700 6122, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1545 Hits

CCD Registration for 2016-2017 is now closed.

Registration for the 2017-2018 Religious Education Classes will open in late July, early August. 

Please refer to this section and the parish bulletin as we get closer to that time of the year. 

If you are new to Hong Kong or to St. Anne's, please be sure to register as a parishioner in the church office.

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Mass Sponsorship by FHC Class

Mass Sponsorship by FHC Class

The students of the First Holy Communion class sponsored the March 12 Mass and participated in their Rite of Enrollment.

They will be welcomed to the Lord's table on May 20th, 2017. 

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CCD Confirmation Retreat

CCD Confirmation Retreat

Our Confirmation students recently participated in a weekend retreat at St. Anne's in preparation for this important sacrament.

We wish the Confirmandi continued success in the program, and we offer our special thanks to our Religious Education team and the volunteers and parents that helped make this such a special event.

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Confirmation CCD Classes

  • November 5th (Saturday at 10:30 am) - Confirmation Reconciliation
  • November 6th (Sunday) - Confirmation Rite of Enrollment and Mass Sponsorship
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CCD Revised Calendar

Attached is the updated calendar for CCD Classes and Events.

File Name: Calendar---St.-Annes-CCD-2016-17-Nov-2.pdf
File Size: 30 kb
Download File
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