The church beautification and decoration team uses flowers and decoration to express our gratitude and love to the Lord.  If you are interested to join this ministry, kindly inform the parish office or contact Angel Lee at 95554423 or

Thanks for Holiday Decorations

Thanks for Holiday Decorations

The St. Anne's community offers our thanks to the team responsible for decorating our church for the Christmas season!

  1742 Hits

Church Beautification Ministry

The Church Beautification Ministry would like to thank all the parents who come to help decorate the pews for the Confirmation Mass and the First Holy Communion Masses. 

Your contribution had greatly beautified the church and enhanced a lovely memory for the participants of these 3 Masses.  Thank you so much.

  1469 Hits

Church Beatification

The Church Beautification Ministry would like to thank those parents and grand parents of kids from the First Holy Communion Classes for helping to decorate the pews in preparation for the 2 FHC Ceremonies held on May 24 (Saturday). Your work beautified the church greatly. 
  1567 Hits

Church Beautification

The Church Beautification Ministry would like to thank the parents of the Confirmandi who had come to help decorate the pews for last Saturday's Confirmation Ceremony.

Your helping hands had beautified St. Anne's greatly.

  1641 Hits

Christmas Decorations by the Church Beautification Ministry

Many thanks to members of the the Church Beautification Ministry for all of their efforts to prepare St. Anne's for Christmas!


  1814 Hits

Happy Easter from the Flower Ministry!



  1967 Hits

Lenten Flower Arrangements

During the period of Lent, we use mainly leaves with a little bit of purple statice. 

We withhold the delight expressed by colourful flowers until Easter comes, except for the 4th Sunday of Lent, when the Gospel is about having joy for the returned son.



  1802 Hits

Thanks for the Holiday Decorations!

Many thanks to the Church Beautification Ministry

and our team of young volunteers, who assisted with the decoration of St. Anne's for the holidays!



  1796 Hits