Following is the regular schedule of Masses for St. Anne's Church, the Carmelite Convent and Parkview.  Check here also for special holiday Mass Schedules!

St. Anne's Parish Mass Schedule

English at St. Anne's

Monday though Saturday: 9:15AM
Saturday: 6:00PM
Sunday: 8:45AM, 11:15AM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday, Wednnesday, Friday 9:45-10:45AM; first Sunday of each month 2:00-3:00PM

Chinese at St. Anne's

Sunday: 10:00AM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9:45-10:45AM

English at the Carmelite Convent

Monday and Thursday: 7:15AM

Chinese at the Carmelite Convent

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 7:15AM
Sunday: 8:00AM

Tagalog at St. Anne's

Every Fifth Sunday of the month: 7:15AM

Bilingual Taize Prayer at St. Anne's

Last Friday of each month: 8:00-9:00PM

Confessions at St. Anne's

Saturday: 5:00PM and by appointment

Meditation at St. Anne's

Tuesday: 7:00-7:45 PM

Location and Map of St. Anne's Church


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