Up until the fourth century it was the rule, not merely an ideal that the faithful communicate at every Mass.  Believers understood clearly that the action of all receiving the Lord’s body and blood formed an integral and natural part of every Eucharistic celebration.  Nevertheless, priests normally celebrated only on Sundays.

As a...

Up until the fourth century it was the rule, not merely an ideal that the faithful communicate at every Mass.  Believers understood clearly that the action of all receiving the Lord’s body and blood formed an integral and natural part of every Eucharistic celebration.  Nevertheless, priests normally celebrated only on Sundays.

As a consequence, the faithful both communicated at that Sabbath Eucharist and also took a sufficient supply of sacred particles home with them for the week ahead.

This practice of lay persons-or, more specifically here, those not priests or deacons-keeping the sacred particles within the home thus made it likewise possible for the sick, prisoners and isolated monks to communicate frequently, even daily despite the fact that weekday Mass was a rarity.

While we no longer need to keep the Eucharist at home, the focus of the Eucharistic Ministry is giving service.  We assist the priests in giving the Precious Body and Blood of Christ to our fellow parishioners.  We carry the Precious Body of Christ to the sick and infirm who cannot attend Mass.  We must approach this Ministry with four attributes:  Humility, Hospitality, Gratitude and Service.  Look within yourself and decide whether you can give service as required by this Ministry.


Eucharistic Ministers

Updated certificates have been printed for all EMs at St. Anne's.  Please pick up your certificate in the parish office from any of the following persons: Jacqueline, Desmond or Fr. John.

Thank you again for your continued service and God Bless your future Ministries!  Please let the new EM Coordinator, Marc Forino know if you are leaving St. Anne's.  

--- Linda Dobzelecki 

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Eucharistic Ministers Training

There will be an additional training session for Eucharistic Ministers this Sunday, October 6th at 1:30pm in the Church.  Those who wish to become Eucharistic Ministers and were unable to attend last months' training are welcome.  We will also have a practice session at that time.

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Eucharistic Ministry Training, September 15th

There will be a training session for all prospective Eucharistic Ministers this Sunday September 15 at 1:30pm in the church.

If anyone would like a refresher, they are welcome to attend.

We are in need of more EMs. Please consider this ministry, it is a wonderful way to serve St Anne's without a huge time commitment and we will work with your schedule.

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Eucharistic Ministry Training, September 25th

A training session will be held on Sunday Sept 15th at 1:30pm in the church.  This is open to all new EM candidates and any who wish a refresher. 

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Eucharistic Ministers

All newly trained Eucharistic Ministers and all who have not been formally installed by Father Ed are asked to join Fr. Ed on the altar when called during all Masses this weekend, March 2-3. 

After being installed, all Eucharistic Ministers are asked to participate in distributing Holy Communion in both forms to St. Anne's Parishioners. 

Until the new schedule is published, please participate by selecting a stole upon entering church and serving.


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