Join us for regular bible study at St. Anne's.

Bible Study

The mother church reminds us that, as members, we need to walk together and journey together.  Walking together means deepening our faith and knowledge together. For this reason, St. Anne's Church will start regular Bible Study, and we are seeking more people to be team members

If you are interested, please contact Margie at +852 68011288 or the Church WhatsApp on +852 55890100.

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St. Anne’s Men’s Bible Study Group

Are you interested in a deeper study and understanding of the Scriptures? Would you like to experience the life-changing gifts of the Word of God? 

The St. Anne's Men's Bible Study Group has been meeting since 2009 and we always welcome newcomers. 

We now meet in Central/Admiralty on Monday lunchtimes at 12:45pm and will be studying St John's Gospel. 

Please join us for fellowship and study! Please call or email Markus Shaw for more details: 9700 6122, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Bible Study

A GROUP of MEN meet every MONDAY EVENING from 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. at MARYKNOLL HOUSE for scripture study, led by FR. BILL GALVIN. Monday Bible Study continues through the month of May.

We will finish up the Book of Genesis by reflecting on the impact of the book on our own spirituality and how it has or will shape our continuing faith journey. We will wind up sometime in June and break for the summer.

All are welcome! For details, contact DENNIS MONTECILLO at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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