The Acolyte Ministry is an important and fun ministry at St. Anne's. The acolytes perform essential duties on the altar to assist the celebrant and ensure that Mass runs smoothly and properly.  All parishioners who are at least 10 years of age and have made their First Holy Communion are welcome to join this ministry.  A training session will...
The Acolyte Ministry is an important and fun ministry at St. Anne's. The acolytes perform essential duties on the altar to assist the celebrant and ensure that Mass runs smoothly and properly.  All parishioners who are at least 10 years of age and have made their First Holy Communion are welcome to join this ministry.  A training session will be held in the early fall following Service Sunday to instruct new altar servers as to procedure and the responsibilities of acolytes during the Mass.

New Acolyte Coordinator Needed

St. Anne's current Acolyte Coordinator has moved from Hong Kong and we need a replacement. Could you be the new COORDINATOR

The role involves asking the Acolytes the dates and times they are available to serve, putting those into a rota, and then sharing it with the Acolytes and the Church. Due to COVID, we are also washing the used robes at a laundromat after each Mass.

The role is a very easy way to serve the St. Anne's Community. If you're interested, please contact Fr. David Tristianto or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 2813-0206 for more information. 

  675 Hits

New Acolyte Coordinator Needed for July 2021

The current Acolyte Coordinator will be moving in the summer, so a replacement is needed. Could you be the new Coordinator? The role involves asking the Acolytes the dates and times they are available to serve, putting those into a rota and then sharing it with the Acolytes and the Church. Due to COVID, we are also washing the used robes at a laundromat after each Mass.

The role is a very easy way to serve the St. Anne's Community. If you're interested, please email Kym Kettler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

  633 Hits

Call for Acolytes

Would your child like to serve at Mass? We are in need of new servers.

We train all acolytes before their first Mass, and both the Priest and the other acolytes will help them during the service. Many children find serving at Mass far more engaging and meaningful than attending in the pews.

We set up the Acolyte Schedule based on your availability. Your child is not expected to serve every week--only when they are available.

Please contact Kym Kettler-Paddock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your child might be interested or if you have any questions. 

  851 Hits

We are seeking a coordinator for the Acolyte Ministry

If you are looking to serve the St. Anne Parish through your time, please consider the role of coordinator of the Acolyte Ministry. If you love the mass, then you will love this role! Please email AhYoungat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about what this service entails.  

  857 Hits

We Need More Acolytes!

The Acolyte Ministry is seeking new members to join a dedicated group of altar servers, particularly during the Saturday vigil mass. You must be at least ten years old and have received your First Holy Communion. Please email AhYoung Chi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested.  

  900 Hits

Join the Acolyte Ministry

The Acolyte Ministry is seeking new members to join a dedicated group of altar servers. You must be at least ten years old and have received your First Holy Communion. Training will take place in September and you will begin your new service in October!If you are a current acolyte and have not received an email from AhYoung regarding your September availability, please send her an email as soon as you can. If you are interested, please email AhYoung Chi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  1148 Hits

Acolyte Ministry

If you are interested in serving as an acolyte during the weekend English masses (Saturday vigil, Sunday at 8:45 and 11:15) and you missed the sign up at Service Sunday, it's not too late. Please email AhYoung at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1295 Hits

Join the Acolyte Ministry

The Acolyte Ministry is seeking new members to join a dedicated group of altar servers. You must be at least ten years old and have received your First Holy Communion. If you are interested, please email AhYoung Chi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Training will take place in September and you will begin your new service in October! If you are a current acolyte and have not received an email from AhYoung regarding your September availability, please send her an email as soon as you can.

  1160 Hits

Acolyte Ministry Coordinator Needed

 We are in need of an Altar Server Ministry Coordinator beginning in late August 2018. The position requires only a small time commitment, but is a very important to St. Anne's.

All you need is a computer (very basic computer skills), a couple of hours a month and a desire to serve your parish. All of the work is done via email with the exception of a 1.5 hour new acolyte training session in September. 

The training session is attended by Fr. Cuff and run by experienced Acolytes with the Coordinator's assistance. 

We have a lovely group of children and adults who form this ministry, most of whom are very experienced. The Coordinator position is predominantly of an administrative nature and very easily mastered. Thank you very much for considering taking on this ministry. 

Please contact Moka Quinlan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions regarding the position.

  1195 Hits

Join the Acolyte Ministry

We are in need of altar servers for the coming year.If you are at least 10 years of age and have received your First Holy Communion, please consider joining this important ministry.It is a fun and fulfilling way to serve your parish.

We will be holding a training session on Sunday, September 17th from 4-5pm in the main church for all new altar servers.

Please contact Moka Quinlan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information. 

  1364 Hits

Join the Acolyte Ministry

We are in need of altar servers for the coming year. If you are at least 10 years of age and have received your First Holy Communion, please consider joining this important ministry. It is a fun and fulfilling way to serve your parish.

Please contact Moka Quinlan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.

  1352 Hits

Acolyte Ministry

If you are 10 years of age or older, please consider joining the altar server ministry. It is an important way to serve your parish community. We will be holding a training for all new Acolytes on Sunday, September 18th at 3:30pmin the main church. Please contact Moka Quinlan atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions or would like additional information.We hope to see you on the 18th!

  1514 Hits

Altar Servers Needed!

The Acolyte Ministry is in need of altar servers for the coming year. Parishioners who are at least 9 years of age and have received their First Holy Communion are very welcome to join the ministry.

The Acolyte training session will take place on Sunday, September 20th at 12:15pm in the main church. The training is expected to last 1.5 hours. Please note that the training is mandatory for all new altar servers.

For further information, please contact: Moka Quinlan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1461 Hits

Altar Servers Needed!

The Acolyte Ministry is in need of altar servers for the coming year.  Children aged 9 and above and adults of the parish are very welcome to join the ministry.   A formal training will take place during the month of September, exact date and time TBD.

For further information, please contact:  Moka Quinlan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1486 Hits

Acolyte Ministry

If you are at least 10 years of age and have celebrated your First Holy Communion, please consider joining the Acolyte Ministry. Children and adults who meet these criteria are very welcome.

There will be a training held for new altar servers on Sunday, September 21st at 2:00PM in the main church.

For further information, please contact Moka Quinlan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1558 Hits

Acolyte Ministry

Looking for an important and fun way to serve your parish community? Join the Acolyte (altar server) Ministry! Acolytes must be at least 10 years of age and must have celebrated their First Holy Communion.

For further details, please contact Moka Quinlan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1724 Hits

Acolyte Ministry

Anyone who is at least 10 years of age and has celebrated his or her First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. For additional information, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1688 Hits

Acolyte Ministry

Anyone who is at least 10 years of age or approaching their 10th birthday and has celebrated their First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. For additional information, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This weeks' Acolytes:

Saturday, September 21st

6:00pm     Pierce O'Malley, Conor O'Malley

Sunday, September 22nd

8:45am     Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan, Kenna Argetsinger, Keelin McNicholas

11:15am   Monica Francis, James, Francis, Chatto Barrientos

6:00pm     Erlinda Borje, Guia Sedon   

  1651 Hits


Anyone who is at least 10 years of age or approaching their 10th birthday and has celebrated their First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. For additional information and to rsvp for the training, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Desperately Needed - Acolytes for Saturday 6:00pm masses.  Many of our Saturday evening Acolytes have recently relocated.  Please consider giving of your time at the 6:00pm mass.

This week's Acolytes:

Saturday, September 14th

6:00pm     Volunteers needed

Sunday, September 15th

8:45am     Abigail Evangelista, Ying Ying Tse, Keelin McNicholas, Jason Poon

11:15am   Rachel Chang, Greg Chang, Keith Choa

6:00pm     Owen Tucker, Emma Tucker

  1806 Hits


Looking for a fun yet important way to serve the St. Anne's community?  Join the Acolyte (Altar Server) Ministry!! 

Anyone who is at least 10 years of age or approaching their 10th birthday and has celebrated their First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. 

There will be training for new and returning Acolytes on Saturday, September 14th from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in the main church.   

For additional information and to rsvp for the training, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This week's Acolytes - Sunday, September 1st

  • 8:45am: Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan, Ying Ying Tse, Abigail Evangelista
  • 11:15am: Rachel Chang, Greg Chang, Zoe Forino
  • 6:00pm: Reina Mandadero, Alma Futalan
  1801 Hits