The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed manner over ten, thought-provoking weekly sessions. It also serves as a refresher course for practicing Catholics or for those who have lapsed in their faith and want to clarify their thoughts about belief. It is run in thousands of Catholic parishes...

The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed manner over ten, thought-provoking weekly sessions. It also serves as a refresher course for practicing Catholics or for those who have lapsed in their faith and want to clarify their thoughts about belief. It is run in thousands of Catholic parishes around the world, hosted either by the parish priest or a lay member of the parish.


美滿家庭特會 Family Life Conference 2013 - Blessed Family. Blessed Society

美滿家庭特會 Family Life Conference 2013 - Blessed Family. Blessed Society

Date: 24-26 Oct 2013 

Guest Speakers: Rev. Nicky & Sila Lee

Rev. Nicky and Sila Lee of Holy Trinity Brompton London (home of The Alpha Course), have been married for over thirty years and have raised four children. Having ministered to over 1,000 families at Church, they have combined the truth about family from the Bible with modern educational theories to develop the "Family Life Series

Join one of the talks and hear their message on how to inspire and equip like-minded Christians to build healthy families with Jesus' love to transform our society and to understand the challenges faced by families today, and pick up tools for building healthy family relationships. 

For more information and to register for a talk visit the Alpha Hong Kong website

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VIDEO: Alpha in a Catholic Context

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Student Alpha at HKIS

An ecumenical Christian event where Middle School & High School students can openly learn, discuss and ask questions about their faith. Every Wednesday, 5-7pm (started Jan.16 but still welcoming participants next week). Venue: Room 504 at the HKIS high school campus).

Course dates: Jan. 30, Feb. 6,13, 20, 27, March 5-6 Alpha camp (retreat), March 13, 20, 27.

For more information, contact Alpha student leader: Hannah Kraebel, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Alpha moms: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Aissa Montecillo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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Alpha Course at St. Anne's

One more session and The Alpha Course will be completed!  Our last session, Thursday November 24 will be "What About the Church". Thank you to all the guests who joined the course!  Your insight and wisdom on the Alpha Course topics has been truly amazing!

For questions, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  4198 Hits