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Thank You to Teachers & Teachers’ Aides for CCD

I would personally like to thank my team and all the teachers that have given of themselves this year in support of the youngest in our community on their faith formation. Without this group's time, care and commitment, all of the things that we do would not have been possible. Thank you to this year's teachers:

  • Pre K & Kindergarden: Kirsten Zaki, Dawn Ng and Bridget Sippel
  • Grade 1: Damien Abdallah, Kassi Ponder and Isabella Munder
  • Grade 2: Serene Tan, Chad Olsen, Clare Clayton and Aoife O'Connor
  • Grade 3: Mia De Leon, Elaine Shum and Rachel Chang
  • Grade 4: Tammi Williams, Elizabeth Foster and Agnes Shu
  • Grade 5: Rebecca Nicholls and Melissa Brewster
  • Grade 6: Gigi Tse
  • Pre-Confirmation: Paul Munder and Benny Berkenkotter
  • Confirmation: Amy Clayton and Andrew Turner
  • Older FHC Group: Sylvia Shu
  • CCD Administration Team: Sandra Galladet, Amy Turner and Irinah Berkenkotter

A huge thank you to each and everyone of these individuals.Your contribution was greatly appreciated. 

Paul Munder

2017.5.26 Rosary Family Prayer Gathering
Teachers & Teachers’ Aides for CCD


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