CCD Program

Thank you to all of our teachers, parents and students for the wonderful start that took place last week. A special thanks to the parents that have come forward to help teach the Grd 6 class. All of our Sunday classes are now running. Please also remember for FHC Parents we have a meeting @ 10am in the Parish Hall .

We are starting a Saturday evening "Rugby" FHC class. If you are interested please reach out to the CCD team. And always, we do need parents that are willing to stand in and substitute if a teacher is ill or traveling. Please let the team know if you are willing to be on the substitute list.

In Him,
Paul Munder | CCD Team | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1301 Hits

CCD Program

Thank you to all of our teachers, parents and students for the wonderful start that took place last week. A special thanks to the parents that have come forward to help teach the Grd 6 class. All of our Sunday classes are now running.

Some upcoming events to keep in front of everyone:


17 Confirmation Parents' Meeting @ 8:45am in Rm 106

24 Pre Confirmation Parents' Meeting @ 10am in the Parish Hall

     Teachers' Commissioning Mass @ 11:15am


29 FHC Parents' Meeting @ 10am in the Parish Hall

We are starting a Saturday evening "Rugby" FHC class. If you are interested please reach out to the CCD team.

And always, we do need parents that are willing to stand in and substitute if a teacher is ill or traveling. Please let the team know if you are willing to be on the substitute list.

In Him,

Paul Munder|CCD Team This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  1252 Hits

CCD Program Calendar

Dear CCD Families

Attached below you will find the new CCD calendar for the 2017-8 school year. 

In Him,
Paul Munder 
CCD Director | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1265 Hits

CCD Program

Thank you to all our returning and new families and teachers. This weekend is the start of classes and we are very excited to be able to work with your children this year. Please take a moment to read the following important pieces of information:

1) Class lists have been posted on the classroom doors as well as in the front of the school when you enter. If you do not see your child's name or believe there has been an error please come visit us in the CCD Office in the school area. if you haven't yet given your payment, please do so as soon as you can.

2) The program calendar will be given to each of your children plus posted in front of the Parish Office and on the St. Anne's website ( Please make sure you receive a copy (extras will be in the CCD office) and mark the important dates on your personal/family's calendar.

3) I am speaking with a parent, Fiona Glynn, about holding a Saturday evening "Rugby" FHC class. Should you be interested in having your child attend this class please let us know. It is open to children with other Sunday conflicts that are born in 2010 or 2009. Please note that this class will need support from the parent that have children in it. The children are expected to attend mass after the class on Saturday evenings.

4) We are still compiling a list of substitute teachers. If you are willing to cover a class for a teacher who may be ill or traveling please reach out to the CCD and let us know.

It is a privilege for me to be able to be a part of this program and I thank you for your participation as well.

In Him,
Paul Munder

CCD Director | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  1292 Hits

CCD Program

 Welcome to all of our families whether you are returning to us from last year or joining us for the first time.

The CCD Registration page is open. If you have not registered your children yet, you can find the link on the St. Anne's web site after you log in. We are asking all families to register their children if they wish to join the classes this year. Please do this by 10am on Sunday, 27th August to give us enough time to have everything ready to start classes.

Classes will begin on Sunday, the 10th September.

We most likely will be in need of teachers this year. If you are willing to serve our ministry, which it is run 100% by volunteers, please let us know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). We need teachers, co teachers, teacher assistants and office help.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone very soon.

  1207 Hits

Thank You to Teachers & Teachers’ Aides for CCD

I would personally like to thank my team and all the teachers that have given of themselves this year in support of the youngest in our community on their faith formation. Without this group's time, care and commitment, all of the things that we do would not have been possible. Thank you to this year's teachers:

  • Pre K & Kindergarden: Kirsten Zaki, Dawn Ng and Bridget Sippel
  • Grade 1: Damien Abdallah, Kassi Ponder and Isabella Munder
  • Grade 2: Serene Tan, Chad Olsen, Clare Clayton and Aoife O'Connor
  • Grade 3: Mia De Leon, Elaine Shum and Rachel Chang
  • Grade 4: Tammi Williams, Elizabeth Foster and Agnes Shu
  • Grade 5: Rebecca Nicholls and Melissa Brewster
  • Grade 6: Gigi Tse
  • Pre-Confirmation: Paul Munder and Benny Berkenkotter
  • Confirmation: Amy Clayton and Andrew Turner
  • Older FHC Group: Sylvia Shu
  • CCD Administration Team: Sandra Galladet, Amy Turner and Irinah Berkenkotter

A huge thank you to each and everyone of these individuals.Your contribution was greatly appreciated. 

Paul Munder

  1629 Hits

CCD Revised Calendar

Attached is the updated calendar for CCD Classes and Events.

File Name: Calendar---St.-Annes-CCD-2016-17-Nov-2.pdf
File Size: 30 kb
Download File
  1880 Hits

Teacher Volunteers Needed

Teacher Volunteers Needed

We ask you to prayerfully consider volunteering as a Teacher or Assistant Teacher for our CCD program. Student teachers and substitute teachers are welcome as well. Over 30 teaching volunteers are required to run our program and your help is much appreciated. 

Please contact Paul Munder, CD Program Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1349 Hits

2016-17 CCD Calendar for Classes and Events


I hope your Summer holiday has been wonderful, safe, relaxing, hassle free and re-invigorating.

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your family back at St. Anne's when you arrive. If you have left HK, please know that we have enjoyed having your children in the program.

Please log in now and register your students for 2016-17 CCD classes. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it. Once you have logged in, you should see a "CCD Registration" link in the top menu.

Please give some thought to helping out. Many of last years teachers will no longer be with us this year and we are in need of teacher, teacher assistants and substitute teachers. There is a section on the Pre Registration form where you can indicate your willingness to serve. We can't do this with out you. The CCD program at St. Anne's is 100% volunteer.

I have attached the calendar here so you can see when classes start.

Once again, we look forward to welcome you back when we see you.

In Him,

CCD Team

File Name: Calendar---St.-Annes-CCD-2016-17_1.pdf
File Size: 30 kb
Download File
  1846 Hits

CCD Substitute Teachers

  1151 Hits

CCD Substitute Teachers Needed

  1158 Hits

Cheshire Home Gift Bags

CCD students from Grade 2 up will be receiving their bags this weekend. Inside the bags are instructions on the items to be included. Children will decorate the bags and return them by Sunday, December 6th. Any children wanting to participate in the little Christmas pageant and help distribute the bags to the residents on December 13th, please contact Paul Munder at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  983 Hits

CCD Substitute Teachers

We are in need of a few good parishioners/ parents to assist the CCD program as substitute teachers.

Please consider joining this important ministry and contact Paul Munder at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are willing and available or if you need more information.

  953 Hits

Updated St. Anne's CCD Calendar 2015-16

Please find the updated St. Anne's CCD Calendar 2015-16 here.

CCD 2015-6 Revised Calendar

  1096 Hits

St. Anne's CCD Program

We are currently building our teaching and administration team for next year. We need teachers, assistant teachers, and teaching assistants.

Come help form our next generation of Catholics. We have an established syllabus.

St. Anne's is the only English-speaking Catholic church in Hong Kong that offers a full curriculum of CCD classes, from Pre K through Confirmation, but we need your help to do this.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested.
  1134 Hits

Walk To Emmaus #65 and #66, April 2015


Do you wish you could spend three days off to rediscover your faith and the life-enhancing power of the Holy Spirit? If the answer is "YES" (or even "maybe"), then the Walk to Emmaus retreat is for you.

The Walk to Emmaus is a 3½ day residential weekend retreat held at Maryknoll House (in Stanley).  It is an ecumenical retreat linking Christians from many churches in Hong Kong.  You will spend three busy, but very enjoyable days in study, prayer, worship and discussion, centering around 15 talks given by both laity and clergy.  A great many St. Anne's parishioners have taken part in a Walk to Emmaus retreat over the years and have found it to be a life-changing experience.

The upcoming walks, #65 and #66 in the series, will be held on 16-19 April 2015 (Men) and 23-26 April (Women).  Additional information can be found on the WTE website at

For any questions or to express interest, please contact:

MEN: Patrick Kaye at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Paul Munder at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WOMEN: Janice Choa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Vivian Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1537 Hits

First Reconciliation for FHC Classes

  1009 Hits

Revised Calendar for CCD Classes 2014-15

Attached is a revised calendar of events for this year's CCD classes.

Please download and save for future reference!

Download Here:  CCD Revised Calendar
  1381 Hits

St. Anne's CCD Program

Welcome back everyone.  We are excited to start the new year with your children.  Please be aware of the following:
  • Classes will begin on September 7th.
  • An email will go out this week with class assignments.  Please be on the lookout for it.
  • Books will be distributed on the first day of class.
We are still in need of a few more teachers.  If you are willing to teach, please let the CCD Team know ASAP. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 9104 9467). 

  1219 Hits

2014-15 Calendar for the St. Anne's CCD Program

Attached is the calendar of classes and events for the 2014-15 CCD class year.

Download your copy here:  Calendar 2014-15

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the CCD leadership team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1140 Hits