Registration Reminder for Religious Education Classes

The CCD Team welcomes back all of our parish families. We would also like to remind you that registration for this year's program closes on August 29th. Classes start on September 7th.   Class books will be distributed by teachers on first day of class

Payment is due by August 31st in order to complete the registration process.

Class fees for the coming year will be HKD 500 per student, except First Holy Communion (YOB 2007) and Confirmation Classes (YOB 2001), for which the fees will be HKD 1,000.

The cheque should be payable to St. Anne’s Church and bear student names and dates of birth on the back.  

Payment of Fees by Mail

Please mail your cheque to:

CCD Program
St. Anne’s Church
1 Tung Tau Wan Road
Stanley, Hong Kong

Payment of Fees In Person

Parish Office Hours:   Sunday 8:30-1:00; Monday 3:00-5:30; Wednesday 1:00-5:30; Thu-Sat 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:30
  1086 Hits

Religious Education

Confirmation Students/Families can collect their doves from the CCD office on June 1st from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

FHC Students/Families can collect their banners at the back of the church after both Masses on June 1st and June 8th.

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The Walk to Emmaus – An Ecumenical Retreat Experience for Men and Women

The Walk to Emmaus – An Ecumenical Retreat Experience for Men and Women
Do you wish you could spend three days off to rediscover your faith and the life-enhancing power of the Holy Spirit? If the answer is "YES" (or even "maybe"), then the Walk to Emmaus retreat is for you.

The Walk to Emmaus is a 3½ day residential weekend retreat held at Maryknoll House (in Stanley). It is an ecumenical retreat linking Christians from many churches in Hong Kong. You will spend three busy, but very enjoyable days in study, prayer, worship and discussion, centering around 15 talks given by both laity and clergy. Many St. Anne's parishioners have taken part in a Walk to Emmaus retreat and have found it to be a life-changing experience.

The upcoming Spring walks will be held on Mar 27-30 (Women) and Apr 3-6 (Men). Pascale Schrader from St. Anne’s Church is the Lay Director for the Women's Walk and Dale Weathington from Union Church is the Lay Director for the Men's Walk.

If interested, please contact:

MEN: Markus Shaw This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Paul Munder This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  WOMEN: Vivian Lee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Lori Kaye This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  1796 Hits

Religious Education Calendar 2013-2014 (REVISED)

Attached below is the REVISED calendar of classes and events for St. Anne's Religious Education Program (CCD) for school year 2013-2014.

Download your copy here:

St. Anne's CCD Calendar 2013-4 (Revised)

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4th Grade Mass Sponsorship

4th Grade Mass Sponsorship
On Sunday, January 26th, the 4th Grade CCD class sponsored the 11:15AM mass. 

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Religious Education, January 5, 2014

  • Sunday, January 12th - CCD classes resume.  Confirmation Class parents meeting for Confirmation Retreat at 10:00AM in the Parish Hall.
  • Saturday, January 18th 10:00AM - Father John gives church tour for First Holy Communion students in preparation for First Reconciliation
  • Saturday, January 25th - First Reconciliation Ceremony.  Students must arrive by 1:00PM.  Parent volunteers needed to assist with distribution and collection of stoles, coordination of post ceremony reception, and other tasks.  If interested, please email Nini Forino at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Parents of First Holy Communion students who have not been baptized should contact Father John as soon as possible to make arrangements for their children.

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Religious Education

Religious Education
On Sunday, December 15th, the CCD 3rd Grade Class sponsored the 11:15AM Mass
  1197 Hits

Confirmation Class Completes Rite of Reconciliation

Confirmation Class Completes Rite of Reconciliation

On Saturday, Nov. 10th, the St. Anne's Confirmation Class completed their Rite of Reconciliation

Thank you to their teachers, parents and priests who have all helped in bringing these children closer to our Lord.

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Religious Education, November 9, 2013

Important Dates

Nov 9       Confirmation Reconciliation, 2pm
Nov 10     Classes Resume
Dec 8       Correct Date for the Parish BBQ
Dec 15     Cheshire Home Party

Book Keeping Skills?
The CCD program is looking for someone who can help keep the accounts up to date.  This could be done mid week at home and usually entails collecting a few invoices, issuing a few checks and keeping the ledger up to date.  If you are willing to help, please contact us.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

  1150 Hits

Religious Education, October 27, 2013

Religious Education, October 27, 2013

On Sunday Oct. 13th, the St. Anne's Confirmation Class sponsored the 11:15AM Mass and were presented to the community in the Rite of Enrollment.

Important Dates

Nov 9         Confirmation Reconciliation, 2pm
Nov 10       Classes Resume
Dec 8        Correct Date for the Parish BBQ
Dec 15      Cheshire Home Party

Book Keeping Skills?
The CCD program is looking for someone who can help keep the accounts up to date.  This could be done mid week at home and usually entails collecting a few invoices, issuing a few checks and keeping the ledger up to date.  If you are willing to help, please contact us.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

  1094 Hits

Religious Education, Oct. 6, 2013

Religious Education, Oct. 6, 2013

The CCD teachers for this year were commissioned last Sunday, Sept. 29th during the 11:15am Mass.  We are thankful for their servants hearts and their willingness to share our faith with our youth.

Important Dates

Oct 10 Parents Meeting – FHC (7:30PM in the Parish Hall)

Oct 6, 20         Parents Meeting – Confirmation (10AM in the Parish Hall)

Oct 13 Confirmation Right of Enrollment (11:15AM Mass)

Oct 27 No Classes

Attendance is mandatory at ONE of the above Parents Meetings if your child is in First Holy Communion (FHC) or Confirmation.

  1017 Hits

Religious Education, Sept. 22, 2013

Important Dates

Sept 22       No Classes

Sept 29       Teacher Commissioning during the 11:15am Mass

Oct 3, 10       Parents Meeting – FHC (7:30pm Parish Hall/Rm. 106)

Oct 6, 20       Parents Meeting – Confirmation (10am Parish Hall)

Oct 13            Confirmation Right of Enrollment (11:15am Mass)

Oct 27            No Classes

*** Attendance is mandatory at ONE of the above Parents Meetings if your child is in First Holy Communion (FHC) or Confirmation. ***

Late Registration

If you would like to register a child, please do so online and then come to the CCD Office to finalize the registration, space permitting.

Drop Off & Pick Up & Waiting for your Child

Please do not drop off your child earlier than the start of class so that the teachers have time to set up for class.  All children from Pre-K up to and including the First Holy Communion class must be collected after class.  Please come to the door of your child’s classroom to collect him/her promptly at the end of class.  While waiting for your child, please do not wait outside of the classrooms so as not to disturb the children inside.

Teachers Still Needed

We are still looking for substitute teachers.  Please send us an email if you are willing.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

  1149 Hits

Religious Education Sept. 15, 2013

Important Dates

Sept 22           No Classes

Oct 3, 10         Parents Meeting – FHC (7:30pm Parish Hall)

Oct 6, 20         Parents Meeting – Confirmation (10am Parish Hall)

Oct 13             Confirmation Right of Enrollment (11:15am Mass)

Oct 27             No Classes

*** Attendance is mandatory at ONE of the above Parents Meetings if your child is in First Holy Communion (FHC) or Confirmation. ***

Late Registration

If you would like to register a child, please do so online and then come to the CCD Office to finalize the registration, space permitting.

Drop Off & Pick Up & Waiting for your Child

Please do not drop off your child earlier than the start of class so that the teachers have time to set up for class.  All children from Pre-K up to and including the First Holy Communion class must be collected after class.  Please come to the door of your child’s classroom to collect him/her promptly at the end of class.  While waiting for your child, please do not wait outside of the classrooms so as not to disturb the children inside.

Teachers Still Needed

We are still looking for substitute teachers.  Please send us an email if you are willing.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

  1324 Hits

Religious Education Sept. 1, 2013

St. Anne’s Religious Education program is 100% run by parishioners of St. Anne.  All teachers and administrators are parish volunteers or youth assistants (teens ages 14 and above who have been confirmed).  We offer weekly classes starting with Pre-School/Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) up to and including a two-year Confirmation class (age 13, 14 and up).  Our curriculum is based on a program called BLEST ARE WE, which teaches your child about the Christian faith as well as the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

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  1333 Hits

Religious Education Aug 25, 2013

St. Anne’s Religious Education program is 100% run by parishioners of St. Anne.  All teachers and administrators are parish volunteers or youth assistants (teens ages 14 and above who have been confirmed).  We offer weekly classes starting with Pre-School/Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) up to and including a two-year Confirmation class (age 13, 14 and up).  Our curriculum is based on a program called BLEST ARE WE, which teaches your child about the Christian faith as well as the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

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  1525 Hits

Religious Education

Welcome back to all!  We hope you had a rejuvenating and enjoyable summer and are as excited as we are to begin a new year of religious education. 

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Christmas Pageant 2012

Congratulations to all the participants in this year's Christmas Pageant, which preceded the Family Mass on Christmas Eve!



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Religious Education (CCD) Class and Event Schedule

Attached below is the Class and Event Schedule for the CCD Religious Education Program for 2012-13.

We look forward to another great year!

Questions?  Please contact the CCD leadership team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Download:  CCD Calendar 2012-3

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