First Holy Communion & Confirmation CCD Classes

The FHC Parents' meeting is now at 10 am, 30 Oct, in the Parish Hall. This meeting is mandatory.If you have a child who will receive their First Holy Communion this year, please arrange your schedule such that one parent will be present during this session. Further dates about Confirmation are below:

November 5 (Saturday @ 10:30 am) - Confirmation Reconciliation

November 6 (Sunday) - Confirmation Rite of Enrolment and Mass Sponsorship

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CCD Important Dates

Please note the following important dates: 

  • Sept. 25th   CCD Teacher's Commissioning Mass at 11:15 am 
  • Oct. 2nd Pre-Confirmation Class Mass Sponsorship at 11:15 am 
  • Oct 9th and 16th No Class
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Walk to Emmaus

Would you like to deepen your faith and experience the love of God? The
Walk to Emmaus retreat, which many from St Anne's have been on, will be held again in October. Coming onto its 20th anniversary, this unique ecumenical retreat has blessed many. The women's retreat is from October 13th - 16th, and the men's retreat is from October 20th – 23rd. Please contact Vivian Lee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Daniel Lee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.

Parishioners who are interested to go on the Walk to Emmaus Retreat can approach any of these alums for information:

L to R: Angel Lee, Vivian Lee, Daniel Lee, Sr Wu, Oliver Wong, Naomi Chui, Fernanda da Rosa, David Lamb, Karen Brown

L to R: Daniel Lee, Paul Jackson, Agnes Chiu Lee, Patrick Kaye, Randy Quinn, Paul Munder

L to R: Sandra Gallaudet, Steffen Naumann, Isabelle Sieur, Gracy Tong, Maria Gillette

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CCD News and Update

Welcome back to all our returning students and a special welcome to our new families.Thank you for registering your children in our Religious Education Program.We look forward to a great year of assisting our students in their faith formation and growth.

This is a friendly reminder to upload all required documents onto your online registration. FHC students need to bring in two passport photographs and Confirmation students at least one passport photograph please.

Please note the following upcoming events:

Sept. 18, 10:00 am - Mandatory Confirmation Parents meeting, Parish Hall

Sept. 25, 11:15 am Mass - CCD Teacher Commissioning

A special Thank you to all the teachers, teacher assistants, and student teachers that are volunteering for this very important ministry. We couldn't do this without you.

Your CCD Team can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Paul Munder - Program Director, Amy Turner, Irinah Berkenkotter and Sandra Gallaudet)

FHC 2015-16 Banners

Anyone who still has not picked up their FHC banners from May, please do so this week. After September 18th, they will be discarded.

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Student Registration for CCD 2016-17

CCD Registration is now open and must be completed by August 21.

Classes start on September 4 and registration must be completed before a student attends class.

Information and registration available on

New families please note that you must be a registered member of the parish before registering for CCD.

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Teacher Volunteers Needed

Teacher Volunteers Needed

We ask you to prayerfully consider volunteering as a Teacher or Assistant Teacher for our CCD program. Student teachers and substitute teachers are welcome as well. Over 30 teaching volunteers are required to run our program and your help is much appreciated. 

Please contact Paul Munder, CD Program Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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2016-17 CCD Calendar for Classes and Events


I hope your Summer holiday has been wonderful, safe, relaxing, hassle free and re-invigorating.

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your family back at St. Anne's when you arrive. If you have left HK, please know that we have enjoyed having your children in the program.

Please log in now and register your students for 2016-17 CCD classes. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it. Once you have logged in, you should see a "CCD Registration" link in the top menu.

Please give some thought to helping out. Many of last years teachers will no longer be with us this year and we are in need of teacher, teacher assistants and substitute teachers. There is a section on the Pre Registration form where you can indicate your willingness to serve. We can't do this with out you. The CCD program at St. Anne's is 100% volunteer.

I have attached the calendar here so you can see when classes start.

Once again, we look forward to welcome you back when we see you.

In Him,

CCD Team

File Name: Calendar---St.-Annes-CCD-2016-17_1.pdf
File Size: 30 kb
Download File
  1800 Hits

CCD News and Update

FHC banners are available for pick up in the entry hallway of the church until June 16. They will be thrown away after that date.

FHC and Confirmation pictures will be available soon for view and purchase. An e-mail with the link to the photographer's site will be sent via e-mail to all families once it becomes available.

2016-2017 CCD Registration will open in late June, early July. Please check the website closer to those dates. Classes will begin late August / early September.

CCD teacher volunteers and student teachers are needed for the new program. Please contact Paul Munder at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are available to volunteer August 2016 - May 2017. We would be very grateful for your assistance and commitment.

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Thank You!

As our CCD program draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that made it possible for our students to continue on their important faith journey.

Our sincere gratitude to all the teachers, student teachers and parent volunteers, some who traveled great distances every week, who donated their time and spent countless hours preparing these young people and helping them get closer to Jesus; to the choir and flower ministries who helped make the Confirmation and First Holy Communion ceremonies; to the church staff, Jacqueline and Desmond, for their flexibility and hard work, and to Father John for his support and guidance. This program could not happen without everyone's dedication and commitment and we are eternally grateful.

Registration for the new CCD year will begin in late June, early July - please check the website then. Program will resume late August.

Have a great summer everyone!

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First Holy Communion Classes

Rite of Enrollment and Mass Sponsorship on March 6th.  

Attendance is mandatory at this event. 

We will have the normal Sunday class at 10am on March 6.

Dress Code: Some parents have asked about this -- no formal dress code but we suggest to wear appropriate "church" clothes. You may consider: collared shirts for the boys and either a skirt/dress for the girls or any pair of pants and a blouse. Kindly also note that the children will be up in front of the parish. No need to purchase a special dress for the occasion but suggest to refrain from sports uniforms and flip flops.

FHC Banner Kit Sale

The FH banner is a special family project! Attached please find instructions students need to follow and templates they may use for this. Kindly review and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to let us know. Deadline will be April 10, 2016.

File Name: FHC-Banner-Instructions-2015-1_20160228-055738_1.docx
File Size: 32 kb
Download File
File Size: 178 kb
Download File
  1221 Hits

CCD News and Updates

Upcoming important dates:

Feb 28: **Grade 6 will be sponsoring the 11:15 am Mass.

Feb 28 ** Confirmation students must submit Data for Registration(blue form)

** First day of FHC banner kit sales (HKD100)

Mar 6: ** FHC Rite of Enrollment

** Second and final day for FHC banner kit sales

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CCD News and Updates

Kung hei fat choi to all our students and teacher volunteers!

Our Confirmation students attended a retreat this past weekend, as they continue on their faith journey and learning to be closer to Jesus. A big thank you to all the retreat volunteers and parents who worked very hard to make this a meaningful and impactful weekend for our confirmandi.

Upcoming important dates:

Feb 20/21: Classes resume

Feb 28: Grade 6 will be sponsoring the 11:15 am Mass.

Feb 28: Confirmation students must submit Data for Registration ( blue form)

** First day of FHC banner kit sales (HKD100)

Mar 6: FHC Rite of Enrollment

** Second and final day for FHC banner kit sales

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First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation

CCD Students preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion received their First Reconciliation this past weekend. 

We thank you for your continued prayers as these young people begin their faith journey.

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Walk to Emmaus, April 2016

Do you seek a chance to reflect and grow in your understanding of, and relationship with the Lord?

The Walk to Emmaus is a 3-day weekend experience that allows you to journey with Him through talks, discussions, worship and fellowship with other Christians. This Spring's Walk will take place on 14-17 April (for men) and 21-24 April (for women) at Honeyville Canossian Retreat House. Many St Anne's parishioners have attended, and have come out a deeper in faith. The Lay Director for Men's walk is our own Daniel Lee.

For more information, please contact Daniel (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 6092 1111) or Steffen Naumann (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 9331 2288) for the Men's Walk, and Vivian Lee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 6100 0880) or Gigi Tse (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 9318 8212) for the Women's Walk.

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CCD Substitute Teachers

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CCD Grade 3 Mass Sponsorship

CCD Grade 3 Mass Sponsorship

Our CCD 's Grade 3 class did a wonderful job sponsoring Mass last Sunday. We ask for your continued prayers for these young people as they continue their faith journey.

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CCD Updates

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Cheshire Home bags. The residents will be very happy and grateful.

This Sunday, December 13th will be our last day for classes this year. We will resume classes on January 10th.

Families staying in Hong Kong and wishing to participate in the Christmas Eve pageant, please contact Paul Munder.

The CCD team wishes all our families a wonderfully blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Important dates:

  • žDecember 20, 27 and January 3: No CCD classes
  • žDecember 24: Nativity Pageant and family Mass
  • žJanuary 10: Classes resume
  1000 Hits

CCD Updates

Confirmation and FHC parents who were not able to attend the mandatory meetings, please contact Paul Munder to make alternate arrangements.

Final reminder for sacramental classes to submit required documents and payment, please.

Important dates:

  • žDecember 13: Grade 3 Mass sponsorship and Cheshire a Home Party
  • žDecember 20, 27 and January 3: No CCD classes
  • žDecember 24: Nativity Pageant and family Mass
  • žJanuary 10: Classes resume
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CCD Substitute Teachers Needed

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Confirmation Rite of Reconciliation and Rite of Enrollment

Confirmation Rite of Reconciliation and Rite of Enrollment

Our confirmandi with their teachers and Father John after an important weekend with the Rite of Reconciliation and Rite of Enrollment ceremonies. 

Please keep these young people in your prayers.

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