簡介: 統籌堂區各項禮儀活動、推動及培育教友對禮儀的認識。
服務: 在禮儀中執行各項職務組長: 林少清(Nana)
聯絡方法:聖亞納堂: (2813 0206 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
簡介: 統籌堂區各項禮儀活動、推動及培育教友對禮儀的認識。
服務: 在禮儀中執行各項職務聯絡方法:聖亞納堂: (2813 0206 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
聯絡方法:聖亞納堂: (2813 0206 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Feast of Anointment of the Sick. Followed by party gathering of our Senior brothers and sisters, coordinated by the Bereavement Ministry.
2018.7.22 St Anne's Feast Day Mass by His Eminence Cardinal John Tong Hon
Taizé International Meeting was held in Hong Kong in August 2018. A total of 5 parishioners of St Anne's Church joined the meeting. In addition, 9 host families from our parish have kindly opened their doors to 14 young pilgrims from a number of Asian countries.