Welcome back to all our returning students and a special welcome to our new families.Thank you for registering your children in our Religious Education Program.We look forward to a great year of assisting our students in their faith formation and growth.
This is a friendly reminder to upload all required documents onto your online registration. FHC students need to bring in two passport photographs and Confirmation students at least one passport photograph please.
Please note the following upcoming events:
Sept. 18, 10:00 am - Mandatory Confirmation Parents meeting, Parish Hall
Sept. 25, 11:15 am Mass - CCD Teacher Commissioning
Your CCD Team can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Paul Munder - Program Director, Amy Turner, Irinah Berkenkotter and Sandra Gallaudet)
FHC 2015-16 Banners
Anyone who still has not picked up their FHC banners from May, please do so this week. After September 18th, they will be discarded.