Many thanks to all the singers who came to provide music for the First Holy Communion ceremonies last Saturday - Stella Woo, Bruce Ueland, Fernanda Da Rosa, Arceli Carrera, Nerry Delamide, Grace Chan, Maureen Canham, Margie DeCocinis, and Zoe Forino.
As this is almost the end of the school year, we would like to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents in the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:
- Stella Woo for helping choose the music line-ups.
- Blessie Hugo for coordinating the Legion of Mary choir.
- Lorna Logmao for coordinating the Filipino choir.
- Pat Kozyra and David Helfer for singing at the 6pm Saturday Mass.
- Jennie Li and Hunmin Kim for their keyboard accompaniment (and Agnes Lee for stepping in to help with keyboard accompaniment when one of us is away).
- Paul de Guzman, Bruce Ueland, and Blessie Hugo for their guitar accompaniment.
- Stella Woo, Jam Melendez, and Lorna Logmao for singing the psalms at the 11:15 Sunday Mass.
- Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet), Mary Byrne (violin) and Aisling Quinlan (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
- Hannah Kraebel for coordinating the Youth Band, and all the youth who contributed their enthusiasm and talents at the Saturday Youth Masses.
- Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
And, last but certainly not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry – thank you all so much.