By Peggie Fitch on Sunday, 27 October 2013
Category: Music

St. Anne's Music Ministry - Line-up for November

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and the schedule for November are attached below.



In December, I’d like to change to the ‘Mass of Christ the Savior’ for our Mass parts. I’ve attached a pdf file with the music. If you click on the links on the first page, you can listen to the recordings. I will make copies of the music for the choir and accompanists so that we can start practicing in November.


Our choir hymnals seem to be disappearing. We should have over 20 hymnals, but at last count there were only 15. Unless we find the missing books, I will have to place an order for more. If anyone wants to order a personal copy, please let me know. The cost is $HK 200.

The 8:45 Mass on November 3rd is a broadcast Mass, and the 8:45 Ensemble will sing.

The confirmation class reconciliation service is on November 9th at 2pm, and Stella will sing, with Jennie as accompanist.

Cantors for the 11:15 Mass will be Jam and Lea on November 3rd and Stella on November 10th.


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