Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please note the following:
- When entering the Church compound, please put on a face mask (if you don't have a face mask, the Church will provide one for you), cleanse your hands with sanitizer, and take body temperature check.
- The congregation is limited to 50% of the normal capacity of the Church. Those who cannot find a seat in the Church, especially for 11:15 AM Mass, may attend the Masses through live broadcast at the parish hall, or try to attend Saturday evening Mass (6:00 pm) or Morning Mass 08:45AM Mass.
- For hygienic reasons, during Mass,
- The use of liturgical booklets and hymnals is suspended;
- Holy Communion must be received "in the hand" without the blood;
- Blessing of the children is suspended;
- Sunday collection is taken up after Holy Communion.
Please leave the Church compound immediately after Mass so as not to obstruct the cleansing of the Church.