A Retreat conducted by Fr. Chad Boulton, Senior Chaplain of Ampleforth College in the UK (a co-educational Catholic boarding school for 13-18 year olds)
The programme includes an introduction to the Rule of St. Benedict (written in the 6th Century), monastic prayer, discussion about how Benedictine principles for living in community guide school and family relationships.
We will begin with a light lunch, and end with Mass. The Retreat is designed for parents of teenagers, who are interested in learning about monastic principles in relation to raising teenagers into responsible and spiritual young adults.
Saturday March 23rd from 12pm - 5pm at PIME House, 843 Clear Water Bay Road, Silverstrand, HK
Suggested donation: $200 per person to cover our costs and lunch.
Please register with Carla Basto Clark: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.