Lector Schedule for November 2016

Dear Fellow Lectors,

Please find replacements in good time if you cannot make your assignments.

Thank you for your faithful service!


File Name: LECTOR-SCHEDULE-November-2016.pdf
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Walk to Emmaus

Would you like to deepen your faith and experience the love of God? The
Walk to Emmaus retreat, which many from St Anne's have been on, will be held again in October. Coming onto its 20th anniversary, this unique ecumenical retreat has blessed many. The women's retreat is from October 13th - 16th, and the men's retreat is from October 20th – 23rd. Please contact Vivian Lee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Daniel Lee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.

Parishioners who are interested to go on the Walk to Emmaus Retreat can approach any of these alums for information:

L to R: Angel Lee, Vivian Lee, Daniel Lee, Sr Wu, Oliver Wong, Naomi Chui, Fernanda da Rosa, David Lamb, Karen Brown

L to R: Daniel Lee, Paul Jackson, Agnes Chiu Lee, Patrick Kaye, Randy Quinn, Paul Munder

L to R: Sandra Gallaudet, Steffen Naumann, Isabelle Sieur, Gracy Tong, Maria Gillette

  2458 Hits

Lector Schedule for September

Dear Lectors,

Please find the attached schedule for September

If you find that you cannot make your assigned reading, please find a replacement through group email in good time!

Thanks you!


File Name: LECTOR-SCHEDULE-September-2016.pdf
File Size: 37 kb
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Lector Schedule for July, 2016

Dear Lectors,

For July, I call your attention to the Parish Feast Day which honors our patron St. Anne, mother of the Virgin. There is a special booklet that will be used for the English services, and the readings will be taken from that booklet and not the red Missal.

I have attached the booklet for those of you who need to prepare and practice for the Parish Feast Day readings. The booklet was prepared for a bilingual service, but Father John confirmed that the English community and the Chinese community will have their separate services, so you can ignore the Chinese portion of the booklet.

Summer holidays may have already come upon some of you; if not, they are soon to come. So, I wish you good rest, exciting travel and rejuvenating activities for the summer months. And thank you for your contribution to the Lector Ministry.


File Name: LECTOR-SCHEDULE-July-2016.xlsx
File Size: 14 kb
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File Name: Booklet-for-Feast-Day-2013_final.pdf
File Size: 541 kb
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Lector Schedule for June 2016

Dear Readers, I attach the Lector Schedule for June.

If you cannot make your assigned time, please find a replacement in good time through the group e-mail.

Wishing you all a nice summer ahead.

Kind regards,


File Name: LECTOR-SCHEDULE-June-2016.pdf
File Size: 29 kb
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REVISED Lectors Schedule for May

Dear Lectors,

1. Please find attached the REVISED schedule for May. If for any reason you cannot make your assignment, please seek a replacement through this group email as soon as you can.

Non-St Anne's people who come to visit have remarked that the level of lectoring at St. Anne's is high. We recognize we have an important role to proclaim God's Word to His people. So please take time to first read your passage at home for understanding, then practice preferably twice out loud, BEFORE you come to church. Read slower than you normally do, and project your voice. Arrive early and announce yourself to Fr John.

Thank you for your continued service to St. Anne's and happy reading!

2. On a different subject, we are trying to identify one or two more people to help co-ordinate this ministry. At the moment, we have 2 people co-ordinating the assignments, keep the directory current, run lector training, and attend Parish Council meetings. If an additional person can be identified, the work will be divided and each person will be responsible for every third month. Please volunteer! It won't take up too much of your time to do this.


File Name: LECTOR-SCHEDULE-May-201_20160425-223817_1.pdf
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Lector Ministry

We are looking for a third coordinator for the Lector Ministry. At present there are two coordinators working together to keep the Lectors' Directory, schedule readers for the different Masses, provide lector training and go to Parish Council meetings. Each works alternate months. A new volunteer will reduce the responsibility to every third month. If interested, please contact Vivian Lee 6100 0880 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1075 Hits

Revised Lector Schedule for March 2016

Attached is the revised Lector Schedule for March 2016 reflecting recent substitutions.

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File Size: 39 kb
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Silent Retreat in Cheung Chau

The World Community for Christian Mediation (HK) will be holding a Silent Retreat on Cheung Chau's Salesian Retreat House from Friday, 29 April (3 pm, latest arrival 9 pm) - Sunday 1 May, 2016 (1:30 pm).

The retreat director is the Fr Laurence Freeman, Benedictine monk and director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Coming from England, Fr Laurence will be giving talks on the theme of the retreat: Beatitudes - Jesus' Teaching on Happiness.

Please see poster on bulletin board and small green notices at the back of the church for more details. Apply via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1449 Hits

Walk to Emmaus, April 2016

Do you seek a chance to reflect and grow in your understanding of, and relationship with the Lord?

The Walk to Emmaus is a 3-day weekend experience that allows you to journey with Him through talks, discussions, worship and fellowship with other Christians. This Spring's Walk will take place on 14-17 April (for men) and 21-24 April (for women) at Honeyville Canossian Retreat House. Many St Anne's parishioners have attended, and have come out a deeper in faith. The Lay Director for Men's walk is our own Daniel Lee.

For more information, please contact Daniel (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 6092 1111) or Steffen Naumann (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 9331 2288) for the Men's Walk, and Vivian Lee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 6100 0880) or Gigi Tse (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 9318 8212) for the Women's Walk.

  1724 Hits


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Lector Schedule for January 2016

Dear Lectors,

Having read in December, some of you may be reading again in January. You may wonder about the frequency. Due to the extra Christmas and New Year liturgies in December, the requirement for lectors is rather big, and all unassigned lectors are put to service. As a result when January comes around, the rotation of lectors starts again.

By the birth of Christ, God is blessing us all!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


File Name: LECTOR-SCHEDULE-January-2016.pdf
File Size: 39 kb
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Every Tuesday evening, a small group of parishioners meet for meditation and silence in the Lord. 

If you are interested to learn about meditation, to slow down and refresh your soul, please join us from 7 - 7:45 pm in the church sanctuary every Tuesday

For more information, contact Vivian Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1246 Hits

Lectors' Schedule for November 2015

Besides sending out the November schedule, I would like to post again Fr John's instructions to all lectors. Sorry the November schedule is coming out a little late. We usually like to have lectors received the schedule by the middle of the month before, so lectors who cannot make it will havw time to seek a replacement through the group email.

Download the November Schedule!

As Markus has said many times, good reading depends on :
  • understanding the passage, and this is by reading it first at home
  • practicing, and this is by reading out loud and listening to yourself at least twice before coming to Mass.
Happy reading!



1. Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass and ANNOUNCE yourself to Fr John.

a)  This is in order to prep lectors in order to make announcements -  e.g. a special collection that day or a reminder that it is Service Sunday, or Mission Sunday that day - in the opening greetings BEFORE Mass begins.

b)   It is also to prevent Fr John from furiously looking for a replacement thinking the original lector had not shown up. (This has happened in the past.)

2. Please incorporate a message of WELCOME to anyone who is new to the parish or those who are visiting, in the opening greetings.

"We welcome anyone who is new to the parish or those who are visiting."

3. FYI from the month of December, there will be TWO readers assigned to the 6 PM Saturday Mass instead of one currently.

  1032 Hits

Lectors' Schedule for SEPTEMBER

Dear Lectors,

Please find attached the schedule for September. If you find that you cannot make your assigned slot, please look for a replacement in advance through our group email. We would like to reduce to zero the incidences of readers just not showing up, and the priest having to scramble to find someone to read in his/her stead. 

Thanks and abundant blessings to you for your contribution to this ministry!

Download here:  Lector Schedule September 2015
  1296 Hits

Lector Schedule for July 2015

Dear Lectors,

Please find attached the Lectors Schedule for July. I have made up the schedule according to the what holiday information I have. If you are not in Hong Kong, or unable to read, please seek a replacement via the group email as soon as you can.

Please note your scheduled date on your calendar, so as not to miss your reading.

Thank you and wishing you a breezy summer!


Download here!
  1041 Hits

Lenten Film Showing

Lenten Film Showing
A Lenten Film Showing focusing on the message of the Divine Mercy of our Lord will be shown on March 27th, Friday at 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall.

The 65-minute DVD "Ocean of Mercy - One Vision - No Limits" tells the true story of three Polish saints: Saint Faustina, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Saint (Pope) John Paul II.

Find out the stories of
  • Jesus appearing to Sister Faustina with his message of the endless and merciful love of God towards all people
  • Fr. Maximilan Kolbe who volunteered to die in the place of a stranger at the concentration camp and
  • the beloved Pope John Paul II.
Contact Vivian Lee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Sally Helfer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

  1156 Hits

Lectors Schedule for March 2015

Attached is the Lectors' Schedule for March 2015.

Please note that his schedule starts on February 28, Saturday!

  1109 Hits

Lector Schedule for December

Dear Lectors,

The Lector Schedule for December is attached.

As you can see, it is a busy month! I have accomodated all those who have notified me of absences during December, and have also scheduled some of the new readers who attended the last training - welcome to the team!

This is a special month when we will be drawing upon some of the most beautiful passages in the Bible which look forward to the birth of Jesus, the Incarnation, the appearance of the Messiah. Please give it your best, with adequate preparation (including reading out loud to yourself).

As ever, we thank you for your service in this most important ministry.

If you cannot make your alloted time, please find a replacement as soon as possible.

DOWNLOAD:  December 2013 Lectors Schedule
  1223 Hits

Lector Training on October 26th and 27th

Thank you to those who volunteered to be lectors on Service Sunday! Training will take place on October 26th and 27th.  As all lectors, new and old, are requested to come to at least one session of training, these sessions are also open to current lectors who have not received training before.  Please mark your calendars to come to one of these sessions.

  • October 26, Saturday, at 4:00PM inside the Church
  • October 27, Sunday, at 10:00AM in the Parish Hall

 For more information, please contactLector Ministry Coordinators Markus Shaw: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Vivian Lee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1266 Hits