By Administrator on Monday, 21 August 2017
Category: General Announcements

Fr. John’s Send-off Celebration Gathering

The days are quickly passing and before long Fr. John will be saying so long to St. Anne's and moving on to other spiritual missions.Before he goes, we want to join together as a Parish community and wish him so long, good luck, and Godspeed.

The Parish is planning a send-off celebration on Sunday, Aug 27th at 12:15 pm in the St. Anne's courtyard and hope all can participate. The celebration is planned as a potluck, so please spread the word and bring a dish for all to enjoy.

Fr. John has been an inspirational pastor whose diligence, spirituality, and leadership have greatly benefitted the St. Anne's community.He has been instrumental in ensuring that the parish receives maintenance and care both spiritually and tangibly!We will miss Fr. John, but we will keep him in our hearts and prayers and we know he will do the same for St. Anne's. 

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