By Administrator on Wednesday, 05 June 2019
Category: General Announcements

FREE screening of "M et le 3me Secret"

 FREE screening of "M et le 3me Secret" followed by a sharing session with the director. This is a A French documentary investigating the apparitions of the Virgin Mary (一部探討聖母瑪利亞顯靈的法國紀錄片). The movie will be in French with English and Chinese subtitles.

Wednesday, 19th June at 7:00pm
Y Theatre, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, HK

Thursday, 20th June at 7:10pm (Limited Tickets)
AMC Cinema, House 4, Pacific Place, HK
For tickets, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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