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Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry still seeks volunteers to help with set up, supervising tables and assisting with clearing up on Sunday's 9:15AM – 10:00am on Sunday's when hospitality occurs twice a month.

Hospitality is offered after Sunday 8.45AM Mass on a pre-determined schedule linked to the religious education class timetable. It's offers an opportunity for parishioners of all ages to gather and share a drink or snack in a spirit of community.  If you can help or have further questions, please email Celine at

We wish to thank the confirmation students who joined hospitality ministry volunteers in sponsoring this Sunday's Hospitality table donations.

The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, October 12th sponsored by the FHC class (De Clerck).

Walk To Emmaus #63 and #64, October 2014
Matteo Ricci Adventure Workshop


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