By Administrator on Saturday, 04 November 2023
Category: General Announcements

Lesson [31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A]

The Message is What Matters, Not Prestige

My dear brothers and sisters, all readings at 31st Sunday Mass remind us that our receptivity to a message should not be determined by our esteem or scorn for the messenger, but by whether that message is true. When we are the messengers, we must also remember that anything we do to contradict the message hinders even the truest things we try to share.

In the book of Malachi, the Lord laments the fact that his priests are playing favourites instead of carrying out the office entrusted to them. Priests are held to a high moral standard, even today, and when they do not live up to it, their lifestyle sends the wrong message and imparts the false teaching.

Jesus in the Gospel Matthew does not criticize the Pharisees so much for what they teach as much as for what they do. They do not do what they teach. Being revealed as a hypocrite is one of the most detestable things imaginable. A hypocrite transmits two contradictory messages and, even when one of them is true, he clouds the ability to get to the truth. The Lord today warns the priests who are showing partiality and hypocrisy that their blessings will become curses: when the truth is revealed about them an apparent blessing is revealed to be a lie for everyone to see.

St. Paul in his first letter to Thessalonians paints another portrait of a minister of God: a humble, caring, and loving messenger. Humility is about speaking the truth, no matter what the consequences. Paul's actions show his sincerity in holding himself up as an example not only of a shepherd of souls but of any believer.

He has put the Lord's invitation to be meek and humble of heart into practice, seeing his ministry as one akin to a nursing mother. Like the mother of a newborn, he not only nourishes them on the Gospel but offers them his very self. His motivations are not selfish: he cares for them because he loves them. Unlike the burdensome Pharisees Our Lord decries in today's Gospel; he doesn't seek to be a burden to anyone. In Acts, it is mentioned that he practiced his livelihood (tent making) while carrying out his ministry (see Acts 18:1-3; 20:33-35). He didn't seek out money but was grateful when it was offered to help him help others (see Philippians 4:14-16). It wasn't about the money. If any servant of Our Lord were just in it for the money, they would probably change careers (see Paul's "boast" in 2 Corinthians 11:16–33 if you want a job description). Paul received satisfaction from knowing that through his example the Thessalonians truly believed that he had shared the word of God with them and put it into practice as a result. Every servant of Our Lord couldn't be happier if he helped someone in this way.

In today's Gospel Jesus makes an admonition to the disciples that for us has become an essential rule of thumb: practice what you preach. He also reminds us that with prestige and recognition come expectations. All believers are brothers because they all share one Father in Heaven, and they are all disciples because they follow the teachings of one Master, Christ. Through baptism we've all received an equal dignity in the eyes of God, and when any member of the Church forgets that other members of the Church suffer through their bad example. At the same time, Our Lord does not deny that the scribes and Pharisees whom he is criticizing have an authority that comes from Moses that is to be respected.

Today there are some who are tempted to discard the preaching because certain preachers do not practice it. That's not what Jesus teaches us. It's sad when a preacher gets in the way of the message by putting himself first, but if he is preaching what has been handed down to us from Christ through the apostles and their successors, it is still a teaching that is necessary for us, because it is true. That's the ultimate criterion for accepting anyone's message: whether it is true or not. Prestige or infamy don't change what's true.

The core lesson today to bishops, priests, and deacons is not to let themselves get in the way of communicating the message: it's not about ego, titles, or honours, but, instead, about communicating the message Our Lord has entrusted to the Church's pastors through the centuries. This is a lesson for every believer: through our bad example we can hinder the spread of the Gospel, the message everyone needs to hear and believe.

Our Lord also reminds us today that with prestige and recognition comes expectation: the expectations we have, but also the expectations of others. When we seek recognition or prestige for their sake, climbing the social ladder, trying to get ahead in life, etc., at some point, we come to the realization, if we're fortunate, that we're milking past glories instead of doing the things that'd merit recognition. That's vainglory.

Even if we don't realize it, we can be sure that others do. Jesus puts us on guard against resting on our laurels, as some scribes did, who focused on maintaining and increasing their prestige instead of helping people to understand God's word, which is what they were trained to do, and what was expected of them.

If we focus on giving the best of ourselves for the sake of others, receiving recognition for it or not doesn't matter to us. This is a healthy way of keeping our accomplishments from getting to our heads.

True Friends Level with You

When someone is struggling with substance abuse, sometimes their loved ones and the professionals helping them resort to some "tough love" through what is called an intervention, hoping a loving shock to the addict's system will help him seek help. The addict is confronted in a safe environment about his destructive behaviour by loved ones (and one or more professionals who help arbitrate and provide professional advice) and offered an immediate opportunity to seek rehabilitation (usually they arrange a place for the addict to go before they confront him).

Each loved one in the intervention writes in advance and presents: How they have been wrongly affected personally by the addict's behaviour; Changes they have noticed in the addict's personality, reliability and self-control; The overall impact that the addicted person's behaviour has had on their relationship; Dreams and goals they have for the addict post-treatment; A statement of unconditional love for the addict, but a promise that the intervener can no longer help the addict destroy himself.

You can imagine the reaction of a person in the grip of addiction as he hears his loved ones telling him truths, he may not want to hear anger, confusion, paranoia, denial. Deep down he knows the message is true and those he loves are trying to help him face the truth. True friends' level with you.

The Invisible Messenger

My dear brothers and sisters, if a courier walked into your office and was rude it would reflect poorly on his company. Imagine how our conduct reflects on what people think of Christians. Let's ask Our Lord today to help us be good brothers and disciples who share his message with those who need it without ego trips so that they welcome the message and don't get hung up on the messenger. Let's stand out this week as being messengers of the Gospel who don't stand out in any way that would contradict the Gospel we share. 

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