Today Jesus gives us a parable of two men who went up to the temple to pray: one was a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. There could be no greater contrast between these two. In the opinion of the people of that time, a tax collector was worth nothing and could not address himself to God, because he was an impure person, in so far as a tax collector, while the Pharisee was an honoured person and a very religious one.
The sinner in this parable are people we usually try to avoid. But Jesus doesn't. He reaches out to them. Jesus did go after them, and he's still going after them. Jesus wants absolutely everyone to come to his Father's house.
This is one of the characteristics of our Lord that we should think about. He loves saving big sinners. And this is one more reason why we can trust him without limits.
Fr. Paulus Waris Santoso, O.Carm