By Administrator on Saturday, 08 March 2025
Category: General Announcements

Lesson of the Week: Our True Leader to Life

Fr. Albertus Herwanta, O.Carm

A leader has various impacts on other people and the environment. Following Donald Trump's election as president of the United States, the world is bracing itself for significant socioeconomic and political shifts. Trump's unconventional leadership style and policies have sparked optimism and global concern.

It has economic implications for trade policies, deregulation, and policies. Its political implycations include global leadership, international relations, democracy, and human rights. Trump's presidency will have regional impacts on Africa, Asia, and Europe. Overall, Trump's presidency is expected to have farreaching consequences for the world's socio-economic and political landscape.

Today's readings remind us of the roles and impacts of the most important leaders we need. The Books of Deuteronomy tells us about how the people of Israel experienced God leading them out of Egypt. "He brought us out of Egypt with a firm hand, manifesting his power with signs and awesome wonders" (Deuteronomy 26:8). In addition, "He brought us here to give us this land flowing with milk and honey" (Deuteronomy 26:9).

We know that God brought them out of Egypt to the Promised Land through the wilderness. Then God's people brought and offered the first fruit of the land that God had given them (Deuteronomy 26:10). God is the leader of His people, Israel.

Luke's Gospel proclaims about Jesus being tempted by the devil (Luke 4:1-13). "Jesus was now full of the Holy Spirit. As he returned from Jordan, the Spirit led him into the desert" (Luke 4:1). This reminds us of the journey of the Israelites in the wilderness, where they were tempted and went astray, following idols. They forgot God.

Unlike the people of Israel, Jesus was tempted but did not commit sins. He remained faithful to his Father. Jesus rejected the temptations the devil offered him. To the devil who told him to change a stone into bread, Jesus said, "People cannot live on bread alone" (Luke 4:4).

Jesus also refused to worship the devil that promised to give him all the nations and wealth (Luke 4:6-7). He responded, "You shall worship the Lord, your God, and serve him alone" (Luke 4:8). Finally, Jesus strongly refused to show his power by throwing himself from the highest wall of the temple. He said, "You shall not challenge the Lord your God" (Luke 4:12).

Jesus' temptations are closely related to those of any leader. They are tempted to satisfy their physical, sociological, and psychological needs by their power. Others would like to gain any achievement by relying on themselves. Still others try to control the world with their hands. They make themselves absolute leaders without surrendering to any other authority. History tells us how they ended up.

The Gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus took the opposite stand. He chose to follow God, his Father and leader. God is the true leader of eternal life. But the devil leads to destruction and death.

The first Sunday of Lent invites us to obey and follow God, who leads us to life. How can we do that? As the Israelites, we offered God the first fruits of the land (Deuteronomy 26:10), meaning to submit the best of our lives to him. He has led us to the present life and will bring us to eternal life. Are we willing to follow Jesus' example, obeying God, our true leader to life?
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