By Fr. Ed Phillips M.M. on Sunday, 02 June 2013
Category: General Announcements

Thank You!

St. Paul speaks about how the gifts of each person build the Body of Christ.  I think this is very clear at St. Anne’s by the various talents that we have. 

Peggy Fitch and her musical group bring so much joy to us when we pray.  Our Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers who help facilitate the Mass each Sunday.  My minor leaguers and major leaguers who assist me at Mass as Acolytes and who will be our Lectors and EMs in the future.  All those who nourish our young children in the CCD program.  The various public and private prayer groups on Thursday and Friday that pray for all of us.  Our communication person who does the Sunday bulletins as well as the parish web site. Our great teenagers who ask the deeper questions about themselves, relationships, church and faith and how to live in the modern world.  The many acts gently done by the Philippine community.  Finally, the gifts of joy, laughter, love and wonderment by your children call all of us as adults to be better so that they will grow healthily and faithfully.  

Thank you for sharing all those gifts with me.

-- Fr. Ed

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