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1 minute reading time (164 words)

Lectors Schedule for July 2018

Dear Lectors,

The July schedule is attached and I have accommodated all known absences.

We have a Broadcast Mass on 1st July, with Patrick Kaye doing the commentary and John Mulligan reading.Because many readers are away for holiday and there is a shortage of readers, I could not help but put some lectors on DOUBLE DUTY.  Please make a note of your assigned dates.

Finally, our Parish Feast Day will be on 22nd July. On that day, 10 am Chinese Mass and the 11:15 English Mass will be cancelled and both amalgamated into a single BILINGUAL Mass at 10:30 AM. Attached to this email is the booklet for the special liturgy and the reader will read from that booklet.

Thank you all for your hard work, and let's proclaim God's Word in a meaningful way!

Lectors Schedule for August 2018
Revised Lectors Schedule for June, 2018


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