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February Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for February are attached. Many thanks to Stella Woo for the music selections.

Music Line-Up for February
Choir Schedule for February

After hearing Lea sing the responsorial psalm at the broadcast mass in December, some people have requested that we should start singing the responsorial psalm at the 8:45 mass. I have added this to the schedule starting on February 8th. My thinking is that we should rotate among three cantors for the 8:45 mass: Lea Faigmani, Jocelyn La-ab, and Oliver Wong, with Lea starting off on February 8th, and Oliver on February 15th. Cantors, please let me know if this schedule is good for you.

For the 11:15 mass, the cantor schedule will be Stella Woo on February 1st, Lea on February 8th, and Jam General on February 15th.

I have also received a request that we should announce the hymn numbers for the entrance and recessional hymns before we sing. (We hadn't been doing this consistently at the 8:45 mass).  This is to let everyone know what hymn number it is and to encourage everyone in the church to sing with us.

This year, Ash Wednesday falls on the eve of Chinese New Year. The evening mass for Ash Wednesday will be held, instead, on Tuesday February 17th at 8pm. If we can get a choir together, then we will provide music, so please let me know if you plan to come for this service.

Also, please be reminded that there is no Gloria sung during Lent, and that we will switch to the Lenten Gospel acclamation.


Religious Education
Religious Education


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