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July Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for July are below. Thanks to Stella Woo for the selections.  

July Music Line-up
July Schedule

After a busy year, we will be a bit less hectic in July, with a chance for our members to take a rest or go on holiday.  We will have ‘quiet mass’ on Saturday evenings, no music; so we just need to plan for Sunday’s 8:45 and 11:15 masses.  

This year, there is no bi-lingual mass for St. Anne’s Feast.  The masses for that weekend of July 25th and 26th will be as normal – Saturday 6pm, Sunday 8:45am (English), 10am (Chinese), and 11:15 (English).   We will still be using the readings and the music for St. Anne’s Feast.  

Safe travels to all who will be away, and thanks to all who will be staying and making music. 

Happy summer to all! 


Music Ministry
Lector Schedule for July 2015


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