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Music Line-up for June

Dear Music Ministry members,

Please click below for the line-up and schedule for June. 

June Music Line-up
June Schedule

We had a great response from the community for singers for the Confirmation and First Holy Communion ceremonies. In particular, thanks to Jennie Li, Bruce Ueland, Fernanda Da Rosa, Hannah Kraebel, Pat Kozyra, Naomi Chui, Emily Chang, Winnie Pun, Susan Madon, Maria Ronson, and Daisy Flores who gave us the music for the Confirmation ceremony.  And thanks to those who provided music for the First Holy Communion ceremonies - Bruce Ueland, Fernanda da Rosa, Daisy Flores, Angel Lee, Maureen Canham, Susan Madon, Emily Chang, Naomi Chui, Pat Kozyra and Maria Ronson. We are blessed to be a part of St. Anne's community and to be able to celebrate these special occasions with our young people.

Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to a number of our members who will be moving - Bruce Ueland, Arcelli Carrera, and Merlina Lingcallo of the 8:45 choir, and Anne Shearer of the 11:15 choir. I'd like to thank them for all their contributions to the music ministry at St. Anne's and wish them and their families all the best. Also, thanks and good luck to David Helfer who will graduate from high school and will go off to college in the fall.

As this is almost the end of the school year, I’d like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents in the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

• Stella Woo for helping choose the music line-ups.
• Jennie Li, Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee and Hubie Lem for their keyboard accompaniment.
• Cantors/Soloists Pat Kozyra, Stella Woo, Jam Melendez-General, Lea Faigmani, David Helfer, and Hannah Kraebel.
• Paul de Guzman and Bruce Ueland for their guitar accompaniment.
• Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
• Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
• And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry – thank you all so much.

As requested by the Filipino choir, we will continue with music training at 3pm on June 1st in the music room for anyone who wishes to join. The same as last month, we will do rhythm drills, learn about music notation, and practice some harmonies.

The schedule for the 11:15 cantors will be June 1st - Jam, and June 8th – Lea.


Church Beatification
Farewell Reception on Sunday, June 8th


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