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September Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

I’d like to let you know that that Agnes Lee has volunteered to share the responsibility with me for coordinating the music ministry.  She will take over the coordination and direction for half of each year, from October through April.  She is sure to bring new energy, ideas and talents to our music ministry; we can all learn a lot from Agnes.  Welcome and thank you, Agnes!!!

Service Sunday is next weekend.  Please encourage your friends and fellow parishioners to join us in the music ministry.  Here's what we need:

  • We now have 3 guitarists and 4 keyboard accompanists, but it would be nice to have more accompanists to fill in when people are away. 
  • Our singers are all mostly sopranos and altos; it would be good to have some tenors and basses for four part harmony and good to have more expat members to join.
  • Youth singers and instrumentalists are very welcome to join (it is one way for them to fulfill their Confirmation service hours).  Many of them play instruments or sing in choirs at school, so they have talents to give. 

The line-up and schedule for September are attached below.   Thanks to Stella Woo for the line-up selections.

September Music Line-up
September Schedule



Updated St. Anne's CCD Calendar 2015-16
Walk To Emmaus #67 and #68, October 2015


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