DEY (Diocesan English Youth) – Speaker Series: Generation Life

DEY (Diocesan English Youth) – Speaker Series: Generation Life

A team of young missionaries from Generation Life in the US, have been invited to come share their experiences and messages on love, relationships, chastity and the dignity of human life, to young people. 

This youth event, organized by the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese’s English Youth, D-E-Y, will be on this Sunday 13th October from 2:00-5:30PM at Youth Outreach in Sai Wan Ho

All young people are invited to join.  For details, please refer to information posted on the notice board.

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DEY (Diocesan English Youth) – Fourth Joint Youth Eucharistic Celebration

All young people are invited to attend the fourth D-E-Y (Hong Kong Diocesan English Youth) joint youth mass and fellowship next Sunday, 20th October

This time, it will be hosted by CFC YFL at Annunciation Church in Tsuen Wan.  Fellowship starts at 2:00PM with mass at 5:00PM

For more details and to register, please refer to information posted on the notice board.

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Ignite: Find Fire for Your Faith

Ignite: Find Fire for Your Faith

We welcome all of our young parishioners after next Saturday’s Mass to join us for Pizza, Friends, Fellowship, Mario Kart and Cookie Decorating!

Saturday, April 20th, 7:10PM

St. Anne’s Parish Hall

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St. Anne's Youth Group News

The next Youth Mass is April 6th !   Please encourage your child/teen to read, sing and participate with their friends:  April 6 / May 4 / June 1. 

If you would like to be a Lector, contact Karen Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and if you would like to join the youth choir, contact Hannah Kraebel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  5710 Hits