Hospitality Ministry

Our thanks to the Grade 4 CCD class for sponsoring contributions to the Hospitality table this weekend. This is the last Hospitality gathering of 2015. 

Hospitality will resume on 17th January 2016, sponsored by the Grade 3 Class (Teacher: Ms. Bacani)

Questions? Email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  986 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, May 11, 2014

The next Hospitality Table will be Sunday, May 18th hosted by the Grade 6 CCD Class

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support or with questions.

  1147 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, May 4, 2014

Thank you to the Grade 4 CCD Class for their Hospitality offering this Sunday. The next Hospitality Table will be Sunday, May 18th hosted by the Grade 6 CCD Class

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support or with questions.

  1146 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, April 27th, 2014

The next hospitality table will be Sunday, May 4th, hosted by the Grade 4 CCD Class.

Please contact Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support.
  902 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, April 13, 2014

The next hospitality table will be Sunday, May 4th, hosted by the Grade 4 CCD Class, which follows St. Anne's Easter celebrations and spring break for schools.

Please contact Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support.
  908 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, March 23, 2014

The next Hospitality Table will be Sunday, April 6th hosted by the Kindergarten CCD Class

Please contact Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support.

  1026 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, March 16, 2014

Thank you to the Grade 5 CCD Class for their Hospitality offering this Sunday.

The next Hospitality Table will be Sunday, April 6th hosted by the Kindergarten CCD Class

Please contact Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support.

  1026 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, March 9, 2014

Thank you to the USA Girl Scouts of St. Anne's parish for their hospitality offering this Sunday in honor of Girl Scout Week.

The next Hospitality Table will be Sunday, March 16th hosted by the Grade 5 Class. Please contact Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support.
  1037 Hits

USA Girl Scout Sunday, March 9th

USA Girl Scout Sunday, March 9th
The USA Girl Scouts in St Anne's Parish will host a mini Hospitality table from 9:40AM to 10:00AM at the conclusion of 8:45AM Mass this Sunday, March 9th, in recognition of Girl Scout Sunday.

On this special day, Girl Scouts all over the world celebrate the connection between Girl Scouts and their faith, and reflect upon the importance of the words, "On my honor, I will try to serve God" from the Girl Scout Promise.
  1048 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, March 2, 2014

Thank you to parents of the Confirmation Class for sponsoring this Sunday's Hospitality Table for parishioners.

Next Sunday, March 9th, a small hospitality table will be offered by USA Girl Scouts of St. Anne's parish.  Please see the separate notice in this bulletin for more details. Please contact Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions or to volunteer for Hospitality.
  1060 Hits

USA Girl Scout Sunday, March 9th

USA Girl Scout Sunday, March 9th
Girl Scouts throughout the world will mark Girl Scout Week (9th -15th March).  March 9th will be recognized Girl Scout Sunday in a few churches and temples throughout Hong Kong Island.  The purpose of this special day is to reflect upon the importance of the words "To serve God" and "To help people at all times" as recited in the Girl Scout Promise. 

USA Girl Scouts in St Anne's Parish will host a small hospitality table from 9:40AM to 10:00AM on March 9th at the conclusion of 8.45AM Mass.  Girls may perform a service during Mass such as greeting, ushering as well as make contributions and serve at the Hospitality Table on the day.  Girl Scouts are encouraged to wear their Girl Scout vests on the day to Church.  

If you have a Girl Scout daughter in St. Anne's parish, please contact Maureen Canham at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 6447 7265 to offer your help.
  978 Hits

Hospitality Ministry, February 16, 2014

Thank you to FHC 2A Class for sponsoring this Sunday's Hospitality table contributions.  

The next Hospitality Table will be Sunday, March 2nd hosted by the Confirmation Class

Please contact Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer your support.
  1068 Hits

Hospitality Ministry

St. Anne's Parish Hospitality Table resumes this Sunday, November 17th with thanks to the Pre-Confirmation CCD Class for sponsoring with home baked and bought goods.  Hospitality is offered to parishioners as an opportunity to gather together in friendship and enjoy snacks & drinks sponsored by a CCD Class. Hospitality begins at the conclusion of 8.45AM Mass and ends at 10:00AM. 

The next Hospitality date is Sunday, November 24th.  This will be sponsored by the Grade 3 CCD Class.  

Please contact coordinators Catherine de Clerck at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Maureen Canham at 6447-7265 if your child is in the Grade 3 CCD class and you can help.  

For Hospitality Ministry questions, please contact Celine O'Connor at 6383-2508

  1231 Hits