Girl Scouts throughout the world will mark
Girl Scout Week (9th -15th March).
March 9th will be recognized Girl Scout Sunday in a few churches and temples throughout Hong Kong Island. The purpose of this special day is to reflect upon the importance of the words "To serve God" and "To help people at all times" as recited in the Girl Scout Promise.
USA Girl Scouts in St Anne's Parish will host a small
hospitality table from
9:40AM to
10:00AM on
March 9th at the conclusion of 8.45AM Mass. Girls may perform a service during Mass such as greeting, ushering as well as make contributions and serve at the Hospitality Table on the day. Girl Scouts are encouraged to wear their Girl Scout vests on the day to Church.
If you have a Girl Scout daughter in St. Anne's parish, please contact
Maureen Canham at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
6447 7265 to offer your help.