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Catechism Corner | The Mystery of St. Joseph

A beautiful reflection from the Carmelite Nuns of the Diocese of Lafayette on the mystery of St. Joseph in light of this special Year of St. Joseph:

"It seems that the Church and our Diocese have given us new lenses to view this wondrous Mystery of the Word become Flesh by asking us to focus on St. Joseph! What wonders we find when we see St. Joseph as the man from all ages and all generations who would most and best reflect and represent His Father! What must it have been for Him who dwelt in the bosom of His Father to be in the arms of St. Joseph.What divine exchanges when the Infant first opened His eyes and saw the Father's delight shining in the eyes of St. Joseph!

Our Father's First and greatest Commandment to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength was the very life of St. Joseph. His heart was a total offering to our Father - so much so that he would sacrifice his beloved spouse, our Lady, if that was asked for – in that line of the Faith of Abraham who did not withhold his only son if our Father asked it of him.

With His whole soul, St. Joseph lived in the Presence of the Father, Yahweh, in constant prayer and longing for all the Promises to be fulfilled – never for a moment thinking that he had such an immense role to fulfill in that Plan hidden from all ages but revealed to him in this blessed night when the Promise became Flesh and was placed in His arms by Our Lady.

With his whole mind, St. Joseph recalled the Scripture and lived in the blessed Hope of being a faithful servant, a just and righteous man in our Father's sight so much so that all was ordered to that end. His mind-memory was set solely on obeying the Scriptures which revealed the Father's Will and Plan for each of us.

In Silence and Hope will your strength be and we know that Joseph was Silent and reserved all His strength to serve our Father not with that sound of words but with the silence of actions. All the strength he reserved and preserved were stored up for all he had to do to protect Our Lady and the Divine Child. May our hearts over-flow with love, joy, praise, and thanksgiving to St. Joseph for accepting his role in this greatest and sweetest of Mysteries and for being for us the marvelous reflection of our heavenly Father! Though St. Joseph was silent, let us thank him for giving to the Infant His Name that is above every other Name – Jesus!"


Fr. Antonius David Tristianto, O.Carm
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