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Donation Appeal

Donations from our parishioners are the major sources of income for the operating expenses of the parish. With the physical absence of our parishioners, the amount of church donations has dwindled significantly, and will soon endanger the smooth running of the parish.

For all of you who may wish to contribute to the much-needed financial support of our parish, there are 3 ways that Sunday donations can be made:

  • Direct donation to the parish Donation box in the church (in person).
  • Donation by cheque through mail or in person.Cheque should be made payable to St. Anne's Church.Mailing Address: 1 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong, Attention: Parish Secretary
  • Direct bank transfer to the parish account, ICBC A/C: (072) 713 01000 3995. Account: St. Anne's Church.

A receipt will be issued on request. Please provide personal information (donor's name, mailing address & mobile phone number) for the receipt.
- For in-person donation, please inform parish priest or secretary.
- For cheques or bank deposit donation, please write down 'DONATION' at the back of slip (together with personal information) and pass to parish secretary (by hand or mail) before end of the month. 

Catechism Corner | Brown Scapular (Part 1)
Lectors' Schedule for June 2020


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