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2 minutes reading time (307 words)

Lesson from Fr. Paulus | Jesus Lives for Us

St Matthew tells us, "When Jesus heard of it, he withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself." What is the "it" St. Matthew is referring to? It refers to the death of St. John the Baptist. This death moves Jesus deeply for three reasons.

First, they had been cousins - there was the bond of family between them.

Second, they had both received a special mission in the history of salvation - so there was the deep common bond of dedication to God's Kingdom.

And thirdly, John's death marked the beginning of a new stage in Christ's mission - the Messenger's job was done, the King's job was starting.

And so, with a sorrowful heart and a lot on his mind, Jesus goes away to be alone, to have time to reflect and pray at this crucial, painful moment. How beautifully Christ's human heart shines through in this detail!

This is our God, a man who knows what it is to be human, to suffer, to feel the weight of things! This is why we can always pour out our hearts to him, knowing that he will understand!

But the crowds refuse to let Jesus have his time alone - they flock around him, begging for words of wisdom and miracles of healing.

And how does Jesus react? He cannot resist their pleas. He puts his own loneliness and preoccupations aside, sits down, and gives audience to the throngs - comforting, healing, teaching, listening...

And when it seems he can do no more, when his disciples are totally worn out, he miraculously multiplies the loaves and fish. All day long attending the needy crowds, when his heart yearned to be alone with his Father!

This too is our Lord - a man who lives entirely for the good of those he loves, for us! 

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