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3 minutes reading time (597 words)

Lesson of the Week: Consecrating Life to God

Fr. Albertus Herwanta, O.Carm

Every last Sunday of the month, we gather at Shek O Retreat House, Hong Kong, for a special Bible study. This regular event is a cornerstone of our spiritual growth, as we read and explore the gospel of the following Sunday, preparing our hearts and minds for the week ahead.

On Sunday, January 26, 2025, we studied the passage of Luke 2:22-40 in which the evangelist describes the Presentation of the Baby Jesus in the Jerusalem Temple. After listening to and meditating on the words of God, one of the participants raised a thought-provoking question: "Jesus is God; why was Jesus presented to God in the Temple?" This question sparked a deep and insightful discussion, and we invite you to ponder it as well.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:22-40) is not just a historical event, but a profound spiritual journey. It is rich in symbolism and spiritual depth, such as consecrating life to God and encountering and obeying God. These aspects are not just relevant, but essential to today's life. That's why we need to understand and carry it out.

What is consecrating life? In its strict sense, it means a permanent state of life recognized by the Church to respond freely to the call of Christ in reaching the holiness or perfection of love. This involves making public vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, symbolizing a complete dedication to God. Pope St. John Paul II instituted this feast as a day of prayer for religious men and women and other consecrated persons, highlighting the importance of this act in our faith.

This commitment is not just for religious figures, but for all Christians. As baptized members of the body of Christ, we are called to consecrate our lives to God. The Eucharistic celebration invites us to join Jesus' sacrifice, and we consecrate our lives by offering ourselves to God daily. It is a personal commitment, a daily prayer, a conscious decision to give our lives to God, just as Mary and Joseph did with Jesus (Romans 12:1).

The Presentation of Jesus teaches us about encountering God. The parents of Jesus brought Him to the Temple because it represents a sacred space where people can encounter God. Simeon and Anna illustrate two devout and faithful persons who spent their lives encountering God in the Temple. As a result, both experienced God's reward. Simeon was given the opportunity to take the baby Jesus in his arms (Luke 2:28). Anna praised God and spoke of the child Jesus to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem (Luke 2:38).

Simeon's and Anna's encounters with Jesus demonstrate that we can meet God in others, especially in the vulnerable and marginalized. Moreover, their responses to the Holy Spirit's promptings encourage us to listen to God's voice and respond obediently.

Finally, the presentation pictures Jesus' obedience to His Father. He demonstrated His absolute obedience on the Cross, and we celebrate His obedience in the Eucharistic celebration.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple is a reminder of our presentation to God. It leads to three points. First, it prompts us to reflect on how we have presented our lives to God through baptism, confirmation, or other significant events. Second, it invites us to consecrate our lives again to God, seeking to live a life that is pleasing to Him. This is not just a suggestion, but a responsibility and a source of empowerment. Third, Jesus calls us to join His obedience when we celebrate the Eucharist. (*) 

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