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2 minutes reading time (352 words)

Lesson of the Week: The Way of the Lord

Fr. Albertus Herwanta, O.Carm

Life always moves forward and requires us to prepare for our future. Malcolm Max said, "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." Our Chris-tian life is also meant to reach the future promised by God. Hence, we need to prepare for it.

The Advent Season reminds us to prepare ourselves for the coming of our Savior. The story of John the Baptist, who lived in a desert, inspires us about how our preparation should look.

The desert is a place where one can spend time alone with God. In solitude and silence, John listened to God's words and proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

"Make his paths straight prepare the way of the Lord," exclaimed John (Luke 3:4). In what manner should we get ready? The new Israel must prepare in a spiritual desert to receive the Savior, just as the Israelites did when they walked in the desert, getting ready to enter the Promised Land.

People can stay together with God in the desert, listening to his words and purifying their hearts. This does not necessarily mean that we have to leave our daily lives and stay in a retreat house. However, we might journey into our hearts, the inner desert. We will meet God there and can stay together with him.

Saint Teresa of Avila teaches us that we can meet God, who dwells in our hearts. Entering our hearts leads to our encoun-ter with Him. Understanding our sinful nature and the boundless mercy of God should stir in us a deep sense of repentance.

This requires a great effort on our part:

  1. We humbly acknowledge our sinfulness.
  2. We believe in a merciful and forgiving God.
  3. We take a real action to repent, asking for forgiveness.

Are we willing to prepare the way of the Lord in our pure hearts, welcoming him who will visit us? Remember, "The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him" (Lamentations 3:25). His good-ness is our hope and reassurance. (*) 

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