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Service Sunday

This weekend at St. Anne's is called "Service Sunday." It is a time when all parishioners are asked to consider participating in one of the Church's ministries as a volunteer.

Volunteer opportunities range from once a year (Parish Barbeque), to 3-4 times a school-year serving coffee and baked goods between masses (Hospitality Committee), to 2-3 Friday mornings a month getting the Chapel ready for Liturgies (Beautification Committee), to several times a year at times we are already in mass (Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Readers, one of two Choirs, Ushers, & Greeters), to every school-session Sunday (Sunday School / CCD Teachers).

The sign-up sheets will be in the back of the Church after Mass.

Please reference the separate sheet accompanying this week's Bulletin that speaks more in detail about each Ministry that is seeking volunteers. 

Lector's Schedule for October 2018
2018年7 月22 日 湯漢樞機主祭聖亞納主保瞻禮中英雙語彌撒 ° 彌撒後並舉行慶祝聚會 °


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