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URGENT: Help Wanted to Construct the Grotto to the Blessed Virgin

The parish is planning to construct a Grotto in honor of the Blessed Virgin. The Grotto will be built on the side of the church near the current structure that houses several icons and the goal is to have it completed before the St Anne's 60th Anniversary celebration that will take place on Sunday, 22nd September.

While the construction of the Grotto is important, so is ensuring that there are sufficient plants, flowers, and greenery to make the Grotto aesthetically pleasing and a desirable place for prayer. Therefore, we are making an urgent appeal to any parishioner who has a green thumb, is interested in gardening or simply wants to get involved in designing and coordinating the planting and vegetation.  If we want the Grotto to look presentable at the 60th Anniversary celebration, then planning and ordering plants and other greenery should happen now.  Please consider volunteering and contributing to the beauty of St Anne's. 

If interested, please contact David Lamb at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 6771-1787

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