Day of Prayer for the Church in China

In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI invited the Church throughout the world to pray for the Church in China on every May 24th, by the intercession of Our Lady of Sheshan, Mary Help of Christians.

To prepare for this day, Fr. Bruno will give a talk on the situation of the Church in China in the Parish Hall on Friday, May 15th at 8:00PM.

It will be conducted in French.

To pray for the Church in China on this occasion, please refer to Pope Benedict’s prayer to Our Lady of Sheshan.  Please visit this link.

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Catholic Women's League Raffle

This weekend the Catholic Women's League of Hong Kong will be selling raffle tickets to fund their many programs that assist promising students from deprived backgrounds, the elderly, and the physically and mentally handicapped.  

Please be generous in your purchase of their raffle tickets, or your direct contributions.  

Thank you.
  1507 Hits

Marriage Celebration Mass and Potluck Dinner

b2ap3_thumbnail_Wedding.png     Love one another as I have loved you.  John 15:1

The Saint Anne’s Parish Community will honor our married couples at a special “Marriage Celebration Mass with Renewal of Vows for Catholic Married Couples” to be held Sunday, May 31st  at 6:00PM with a Potluck Dinner immediately following.

All couples are invited to celebrate their life-long commitment to one another during this special evening. Whether you are in your first year of marriage or enjoying a milestone, please come to share in a commemoration of life and love, renewal of vows, and marriage blessing. Family and friends are welcome to attend with you at both the Mass and Potluck Dinner. 

For planning purposes and the importance of each couple’s commitment to the celebration, this is a signup only event!  We ask that signups be made no later than Monday, May 18th and please tell us how many persons will be attending with you.  We look forward to sharing a memorable evening together.

For more information and to sign up please contact Sally Helfer at 6777-0857 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1151 Hits

Grade 6 Mass Sponsorship

Grade 6 Mass Sponsorship
The Grade 6 Religious Education class sponsored the mass last Sunday, April 19, 2015

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Aid for Middle East Christians

An amount of HK $50,000 was raised during Lent from the parishioners of St. Anne's for the pastoral and social needs of Catholics and other Christians in the Middle East who are under religious persecution, suffered dislocation, or have been martyred outright.  

Thank you for responding so generously to the needs of these vulnerable, individuals, families and communities.

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English Speaking Parish Council (EPC)

The EPC will meet this coming Tuesday, April 14th, at 7:45 pm in the parish hall.

Interested parties can bring issues to the council either in person or via a council member, especially the Chair, Mr. David Lamb, or the pastor, Fr. John.
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Called & Gifted Workshop

Called & Gifted Workshop
Thursday, April 30th, 7:00-9:00PM and
Friday, May 1st, 9:00AM-4:30PM, followed by Mass at 5:00PM
St. Anne's Church, Stanley

Do you desire to have a greater understanding of God's special calling in your life? Want to know how you can more effectively touch people's lives and live out your faith as a more fully engaged Catholic? Discover how God has uniquely gifted you to bring His love into the world!

The Called & Gifted workshop is a special program that teaches Catholic Christians how to discover their unique spiritual gifts - gifts that God gives us all to share with our family, friends, workplace and community.

God is calling you to a unique purpose in life, a work of love that only you can do. Are you a St. Francis Xavier or a St. Thérèse de Lisieux? A St. Thomas Aquinas or a Bl. Mother Teresa? Come join us for this special Called & Gifted workshop that will open your eyes to the beautiful ways that God has gifted you and is at work in your life.

Download the flyer
Register online here 

  1726 Hits

Fr. Hanly's Homilies

Fr. Hanly's Homilies
A website has been set up for the homilies of the late Fr. Denis J. Hanly, M.M. Every Sunday a recording of a homily by Fr Hanly for that day’s Mass readings is uploaded to the site,

Fr Hanly was a Maryknoll Missioner who served the Diocese of Hong Kong for over 37 years. At the time of his 50th Jubilee in 2009, Father Hanly said: “Looking back over my life, I am overwhelmed and humbled by God’s gracious and gentle kindness to me, and the generous outpouring of love I have received from His people in service to them.” 
Continue reading
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Hospitality Ministry

The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, April 19th following Easter with contributions sponsored by the Grade 6 Class.

This will be the last Hospitality table for this CCD Year.

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English Retreat for Teenagers

English Retreat for Teenagers
ACTS Hong Kong is an exciting new initiative for the English-speaking Catholic community of Hong Kong. It is a charity established in partnership with Ampleforth College, UK, to bring the faith formation programmes of Ampleforth to Hong Kong teenagers.

The Spiritual Director, Fr Chad Boulton OSB, is visiting Hong Kong from 26 March to 1 April. As Senior Chaplain of Ampleforth College, Fr Chad oversees the spiritual formation of 600 girls and boys from 13 to 18-years-old, and conducts programmes for adults. He will be conducting a series of retreats here for teenagers and adults, over his 5 day visit.

Please go the website: to find out more and sign up. There are limited places.

Finally and most importantly, please keep the mission of ACTS Hong Kong in your prayers.

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Confessions During Lent

Confessions will be available every Saturday during Lent from 5:00 to 5:30 pm in the parish church, as well as by appointment for other times.

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Stations of the Cross During Lent

Stations of the Cross will be held in English during Lent on Wednesday evenings at 8:00PM in the parish church.

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Giving Alms During Lent

For those who wish to make almsgiving a part of your Lenten practice, you may wish to join other parishioners in donating to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association.

This is a papal agency for humanitarian and pastoral support of Middle Eastern churches.

During this time when Middle Eastern Catholics and their families are being martyred for the faith, and when Christian villages and neighborhoods are under pressure and attack, their need for assistance and support from us is greater than ever.

During the remaining 3 weekends of Lent there will be a special box in the back of the church to receive any donations you may wish to make for the pastoral and temporal needs of Middle Eastern Catholics and other Christians.

We will consolidate your offerings and make one single gift from St. Anne's.

Thank you for your generosity. Yours, Fr. John 
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Religious Education

First Holy Communion Felt Banner kits are on sale  on March 8th in the church courtyard and in the CCD office during regular Sunday School hours from 9:00 – 11:00 am. They cost HKD 100 each. Cash only please. Banners are due back to their teachers in class on or before April 19th.

Attention CCD Confirmation Parents - Please be reminded of the upcoming requirements:
  • Sunday, March 15th, the students' Saint Reports will be due.
  • Wednesday, March 18th, Confirmation Class will be sponsoring the Way of the Cross that evening at 8:00pm.  The students are all expected to be present and need to be there by 7:45pm.  We will discuss specific roles for this evening as we get closer to the date.
Bishop Michael Yeung has confirmed his participation in the Confirmation ceremony on Saturday, May 16th, 2015 at 4pm.

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Hospitality Ministry

Special thanks to the USA Girl Scouts of Hong Kong for providing a mini hospitality in honor of Girl Scout Sunday.

The next CCD Hospitality sponsored table will be Sunday, March 15th with contributions sponsored by the Grade 1 Class (Mr Leotta & Ms Mathur).

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Second Collection

Today, there will be a second collection in support of the Hong Kong Diocesan Central Council of Catholic Laity.

The collection will be used in carrying out the work of the Council in Laity Formation and Evangelization.

The Council serves each of us. Kindly contribute generously. Thank you.

  1343 Hits

Religious Education

First Holy Communion Felt Banner kits will go sale in the CCD office on March 1st in the church courtyard and in the CCD office during regular Sunday School hours from 9:00 – 11:00 am. They cost HKD 100 each. Cash only please. Banners are due back to their teachers in class on or before April 19th.

Attention CCD Confirmation Parents - Please be reminded of the upcoming requirements:

  • Sunday, March 1st the Data for Confirmation Register sheets (blue papers) will be due.
  • Sunday, March 15th, the students' Saint Reports will be due.
  • Wednesday, March 18th, Confirmation Class will be sponsoring the Way of the Cross that evening at 7:15pm.  The students are all expected to be present. We will discuss specific roles for this evening as we get closer to the date.
Bishop Michael Yeung has confirmed his participation in the Confirmation ceremony on Saturday, May 16th, 2015 at 4pm.

  1002 Hits

Hospitality Ministry

Special thanks to the First Holy Communion "B" Class for their sponsorship of the hospitality table this Sunday.

The next CCD Hospitality sponsored table will be Sunday, March 15th with contributions sponsored by the Grade 1 Class (Mr Leotta & Ms Mathur).

Please support the USA Girl Scouts of Hong Kong who will host a special Hospitality table on Sunday March 8th in recognition of Girl Scout Sunday.
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Marriage Enrichment Course

Marriage Enrichment Course
Beginning Sunday, 15th March 2015, we will be holding a marriage enrichment course, using Paul David Tripp’s video-based material, “What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage.”  The group will gather Sundays at 6:30-8:00pm at the function room of Pacific View, 38 Tai Tam Road, Hong Kong for supper together. Depending on responses, the meetings could be on Sundays or Saturdays.

Preliminary dates are 15th, 22nd March; 12th, 26th April; 10th, 24th May; 30th August; 6th, 20th September; 11th October and 8th, 15th November 2015.  This Bible-based series is intended for married couples, but is also excellent material for those who are engaged or intending to marry.  Couples and individuals, parishioners and non-parishioners, Catholics and non-Catholics are all welcome.  Even if your spouse cannot make it, please join us as he will experience God’s grace in you in a different way.
There is never a moment in our marriage where we are not in need of the rescuing, enabling, delivering grace of the Redeemer.” – Paul David Tripp.
For more information, please contact Paul and Irene Jackson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Daniel and Vivian Lee at 6100-0880.


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Questionnaire for the Synod on the Family

Cardinal John Tong has requested the faithful of the Diocese Hong Kong to respond to a questionnaire (found in the back of the church or online HERE) in preparation for the ongoing Synod on the Family.  

Responses can be submitted either on paper, by e-mail, or online.  To assist you in answering the questions, please first read pages 11 and 12 which detail the aim of each question.  

The faithful are asked to offer responses to any group of questions that pertain to Category 5: Individuals/Individual Families.  

The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2015.

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