Hospitality Ministry

Sunday November 23rd there will be no Hospitality. Instead please support the BAKE SALE to raise funds for the painting of St. Anne's courtyard.  

Adult volunteers are earnestly needed to assist the Hospitality Ministry on a roster basis with 9am set-up /10am tear-down.  To volunteer or for more information, please email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  908 Hits

Fr. John's Travels

Fr. John will be out of Hong Kong from Sunday evening, November 16th, until Friday evening, November 21st, for Maryknoll business.

During that time, Frs. Bill Galvin and Adam Gudalefsky will cover the mass schedule and any other contingencies. They can be reached at the Maryknoll House, Stanley: 2813-0357. 

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St. Anne’s “Fr. Elmer BBQ” on Sunday December 7, 2014

St. Anne’s “Fr. Elmer BBQ” on Sunday December 7, 2014
Tickets go on sale November 8th!  They will be available after Mass on Saturdays and Sundays and at the Parish Office during regular office hours.  Tickets are:
  • $100 each for adults
  • $50 each for domestic workers, children under 12, and seniors between 65 and 75.
Children under 3 and seniors over 75 are admitted free. Prices will increase by 50% after December 1st, so buy your tickets early!  For details, please pick up a flyer at the back of the Church.

More volunteers needed! Please contact Ken Ward at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Donations for Lucky Draws and White Elephant Gifts can be dropped off at the Parish Office with Jacqueline and Desmond during regular office hours on Saturdays (9:30-12:00, 1:00-5:30) and Sundays (8:30-2:00, 3:00-4:30)

Live Performance for the BBQ - Calling all musicians, dancers, thespians, magicians, and other entertainers of all ages...we need your talents for this year's parish BBQ on December 7! If you are interested in performing at the BBQ, please contact Maureen Canham at 6447 7265 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1085 Hits

Religious Education

CCD Confirmation
November 23rd: Rite of Enrolment at 11:15 am Mass
Please remember to bring baked goods to assist with the Eagle Scout fundraiser. Also let scout know if you're available to help with the bake sale.

Dec.7th: Please sign up to help with the parish BBQ if you have not yet done so. Please note that the confirmation retreat has been confirmed for Feb 7-8.

All CCD families
Friendly reminder for all CCD parents to submit required documents by uploading them to online registration and submit photographs to the CCD office. 

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Hospitality Ministry

Special thanks to CCD Confirmation Class (Bourdon/Kraebel) who sponsored this Sunday's hospitality table donations.

Next Sunday, November 23rd there will be no Hospitality. Instead please support the BAKE SALE to raise funds for the painting of St. Anne's courtyard.

Adult volunteers are earnestly needed to assist the Hospitality Ministry on a roster basis. To volunteer or for more information, please email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  901 Hits

Bake Sale to Support Courtyard Renovations

A Boy Scout with BSA Hong Kong Troop 1 and a parishioner here at St. Anne's is currently working on a service project to attain his Eagle Scout rank.

He has chosen St. Anne's to be the beneficiary of the project, which will consist of upgrading our courtyard. With the help of other Boy Scouts, his confirmation classmates, family, friends and other parishioners, he will be cleaning up and painting the courtyard. As the project needs to be self-funded, he needs to raise funds for supplies.

On November 23rd, we will be conducting a bake sale after Mass. Your help will be very much appreciated. You can help by baking goods so we can sell them. All monies will go towards the purchase of paint and supplies for the project.

Of course, you can also help by buying some baked goods or making donations. Thank you in advance.

  1060 Hits

November Memorial for the Dead

During the month of November, the Church remembers in thought and prayer all who have gone before us in life and in faith.  There is a lavender box in the rear of the Church in which to deposit names of those deceased you wish to be prayed for.  Names only, please.  We request that you do not place any monetary offerings in the box.

  1112 Hits

Thank you for supporting the “Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education Programme”

“I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to you and the faithful of St. Anne’s Church for the generosity of heart and commitment to support our little deaf brothers and sisters in Christ, to let them continue to receive Catholic Education in a sign bilingual and co-enrolment model which we believe, based on research, will benefit them most.  On 11 & 12 October 2014, we gathered $18,116 worth of donation from the compassionate faithful of St. Anne’s Church through Second Collections.”  -- Gladys Tang , Director of Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  891 Hits

Religious Education

CCD Confirmation Class important dates:
  • November 2nd, 10:00AM, Parish Hall, mandatory parent meeting
  • November 15th, 2:00PM, mandatory Rite of Reconciliation.  Students must arrive between 1:15 and 1:30PM to prepare
  • November 23rd, 11:15AM, mandatory Rite of Enrollment and Mass Sponsorship
Parents are also reminded to ensure that all pertinent documents are uploaded to students' online registration and that photographs must be submitted now if not yet done so.

  821 Hits

Collection for the Pontifical Work for the Propagation of the Faith

A second collection is to be taken up at all public Masses on Sunday, 26 October.   The total amount collected will be reserved for the Pontifical Work for the Propagation of the Faith and sent directly to the Holy See as a contribution of our Local Church to the missionary activities of the Universal Church.
  909 Hits

Celebrating the Beatification of Pope Paul VI

In honour of Pope PAUL VI, who was beatified on 19 October 2014 (Sunday), a concelebrated Mass will be held on 26 October (Sunday), at 6:00pm, at the Cathedral, Caine Road, with Cardinal John TONG presiding.  

The clergy and the faithful are welcome to participate.
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Hospitality Ministry

Please note there will be no Hospitality table offering this Sunday.  The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, November 9th with contributions sponsored by the Grade 3 class (Teacher: McGraw/Turner).

Hospitality enquiries please email Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  800 Hits

"White Elephant" Items for the Parish Bazaar

The Parish Bazaar, scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, December 7th, is fast approaching. 

One of our annual booths features "white elephant" items: assorted items for sale for use in home, recreation and school, both used and new. 

If you wish to make donations of items for this booth you can bring the articles to the Parish Office anytime during business hours both weekdays and weekends. 

Thank you!

  904 Hits

Hospitality Ministry

Special thanks to the FHC Saturday class (Teacher Mr. Hussey) who sponsored this Sunday's Hospitality table snacks.

There will be NO Hospitality next Sunday.  The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, November 9th with contributions sponsored by the Grade 3 class (Teacher: McGraw/Turner).

  929 Hits

Parking at St. Stephen's College

Parking at St. Stephen's College
For those parishioners with valid parking permits, the attached document provides instructions about parking at St. Stephen's College on Tung Tau Wan Road:

Download here: Parking Instructions

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Mass Schedule

Beginning this coming week, the 9:00AM weekday Masses on Tuesdays and Thursdays will resume in the Parish Hall.  

Further, Eucharistic Adoration will resume after the Thursday weekday Masses.

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Caritas Fundraising Tickets

Tickets for the annual Caritas Fundraising Drive are on sale after weekend masses at the back of the Church throughout the month of October.

Tickets are also available in the Parish Office on weekdays. 

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Second Collection this Weekend

With the permission of the Diocese and at the invitation of the St. Anne's Parish, a second collection will be taken up for Sign Bilingual Education in support of enhanced education for deaf children and young adults in Hong Kong.

Please be generous to this worthwhile grassroots cause, which promotes the use of sign language in the education of deaf children.

Pamphlets of the program are available for collection outside the Church.

  976 Hits

Hospitality Ministry

Special thanks to the FHC A class (Teachers Mrs Clayton & Mrs Williams) who sponsored this Sunday's Hospitality table snacks.

The next Hospitality table will be next Sunday, October 19th with contributions sponsored by the FHC Saturday class (Teacher: Mr. Hussey).

  923 Hits

Education Day

In accordance with the practice of our diocese, 28 September, the fourth Sunday of September (26th Sunday of the Year), is observed as Education Day

A second collection for the promotion of Catholic education is to be taken up at all public Masses on this occasion.  

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