Confirmation Class Retreat

Confirmation Class Retreat
The Confirmation class just concluded their two-day retreat on February 7-8, 2015

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Ash Wednesday

This coming Wednesday, February 18th, is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.  There will be three masses during which ashes will be distributed: on Tuesday night, the 17th, at 8pm in the parish church; on Wednesday, the 18th, at 7:15am in the Carmelite Sisters; and again on Wednesday, the 18th, at 9am in the parish church.  Please take home the printed schedule available in the back of the church. 

Because Ash Wednesday coincides with Chinese New Year the faithful of the Diocese of Hong Kong have been dispensed from having to observe fast and abstinence on that day.  Individuals are free to choose another day for the Ash Wednesday fast and abstinence. 

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Chinese New Year

Next week Chinese New Year will be celebrated.  The pastoral staff of St. Anne's wishes all our families and each of our parishioners a blessed New Year of the Ram, filled with health of body and peace of heart.

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Religious Education

First Holy Communion Felt Banner kits will go sale in the CCD office on March 1st in the church courtyard and in the CCD office during regular Sunday School hours from 9:00 – 11:00 am. They cost HKD 100 each. Cash only please. Banners are due back to their teachers in class on or before April 19th.

The Confirmation class just concluded their two-day retreat on February 7-8.  We would like to thank all the parents who volunteered to help out and acknowledge the retreat team made up of Anna Tan, John Mulligan, Donna Kraebel and Team Leader Joe White.  Please keep these students in your prayers as they prepare for their Confirmation.  

Bishop Michael Yeung has confirmed his participation in the Confirmation ceremony on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 4pm.

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Hospitality Ministry

The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, March 1st following CNY with contributions sponsored by the First Holy Communion "B" Class (Ms. de Clerck & Ms Jullienne).

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Grade 5 Sponsored Mass

Grade 5 Sponsored Mass
The Grade 5 Religious Education class sponsored the mass last Sunday, Febuary 8, 2015.
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Questionnaire for the Synod on the Family

Cardinal John Tong has requested the faithful of the Diocese Hong Kong to respond to a questionnaire (found in the back of the church or online HERE) in preparation for the ongoing Synod on the Family.  

Responses can be submitted either on paper, by e-mail, or online.  To assist you in answering the questions, please first read pages 11 and 12 which detail the aim of each question.  The faithful are asked to offer responses to any group of questions that pertain to Category 5: Individuals/Individual Families.  The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2015.
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Hospitality Ministry

Special thanks to Kindergarten Class for their sponsorship of the hospitality table this Sunday 9.30am-10am.

The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, February 8th with contributions sponsored by the Grade 5 Class (Ms. De Cruz & Mr Choa)

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Religious Education

First Holy Communion Felt Banner kits will go sale in the CCD office on March 1st in the church courtyard and in the CCD office during regular Sunday School hours from 9:00 – 11:00 am. They cost HKD 100 each. Cash only please. Banners are due back to their teachers in class on or before April 19th.

Please note that the confirmation retreat has been confirmed for Feb 7-8. Bishop Michael Yeung has confirmed his participation in the Confirmation ceremony on Saturday, May 1, 2015 at 4pm.

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Religious Education

First Holy Communion Felt Banner kits will go on sale in the CCD office on March 1st in the church courtyard and in the CCD office during regular Sunday School hours from 9:00 - 11:00 am. They cost HKD 100 each.  Cash only please.  Banners are due back to their teachers in class on or before April 19th.

Please note that the confirmation retreat has been confirmed for Feb 7-8.

Bishop Michael Yeung has confirmed his participation in the Confirmation ceremony on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 4 pm.

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Hospitality Ministry

Special thanks to Pre-Kindergarden Class (Teacher: Ms Pulido) for their sponsorship of the hospitality table this Sunday 9:30am-10am.

The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, February 1st with contributions sponsored by the Kindergarden Class (Ms. Sandra Wong).

Hospitality enquiries please email Celine O'Connor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Memorial Mass for Fr. John Liu, M.B.E.

Memorial Mass for Fr. John Liu, M.B.E.
All members of the St. Anne’s community are invited to join the Memorial Mass for Fr. John Liu on January 10th at 3:00PM.  The mass (in Cantonese) will be celebrated by His Eminence, Cardinal Tong

Fr. Liu, the founder of St. Anne’s Parish, was a much loved and admired priest. He was the first pastor in Stanley and was active there for 33 years –from 1945 to 1978.  During that time, he built the church and the school, served as the headmaster of St. Teresa’s School, and also undertook the chaplaincy of Stanley Prison.  His varied duties included being the Rector of the District of Tai O, Cheung Chau and the Neighboring Islands; serving as the Rector of the Blessed Martyrs of China Chapel in Shek O (1979-1989); serving as the Spirit Director of Hong Kong Catholic Students’ Association. 

Fr. Liu passed away 25 years ago, on Jan 10, 1990.

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Christmas Carols at St. Anne's

And holiday party pictures!

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Hospitality Ministry

Our thanks to Pre-Confirmation class (Teacher: Mr. Francis) for sponsorship of the Hospitality table offerings this Sunday, December 14th.

There will be no Hospitality Ministry for the remainder of the year. Hospitality will resume on Sunday, January 18th with contributions from the Grade 4 class (Teacher: Ms. De Leon).

Please support the Bake Sale on JANUARY 11th for the Eagle Scout Project raising funds to paint at St. Anne’s parish.

We wish our Hospitality Ministry volunteers, students, parents, and those who made donations, a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Thank you for your support.

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Thanks everyone for a great BBQ!

A big “Thank You” to all who came to the BBQ, to the donors, and to the volunteers.

The rain stayed away and we had a great reunion with Father Wurth as there were many smiles among the 800+ who attended.

Again, many thanks.

Ken Ward, BBQ Coordinator
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Religious Education

Reminder - Cheshire Home Gift Bags: Gift bags and instructions on how to fill them were sent home with students (FHC level and above) two Sundays ago. Parents should work with their children to decorate and fill the bags, and send them back as soon as possible.  They can be dropped off all week in the box outside the parish office or at the CCD office from 9-11am on Sunday.  DEADLINE is Friday, December 5.  

Dec.7th: Please sign up to help with the parish BBQ if you have not yet done so.

Please note that the confirmation retreat has been confirmed for Feb 7-8.

All CCD families
Friendly reminder for all CCD parents to submit required documents by uploading them to online registration and submit photographs to the CCD office.

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Hospitality Ministry

There will be no Hospitality Ministry on Sunday 30th November or December 7th.  We look forward to seeing parishioners at the parish BBQ Sunday on 7th December.

Adult volunteers are needed to assist the Hospitality Ministry on a roster basis.  To volunteer or for more information, please email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Thank you message from Cole Gallaudet - I would like to thank all the parishioners and CCD students who either baked, helped with the bake sale, bought goods or made donations to support my Eagle Scout project of the repainting of the courtyard. With your help, I was able to raise $5,053 HKD. All of the money will go towards buying supplies needed to repaint the courtyard. I plan to begin working on this in January. Again, thank you for your help. It really is encouraging.  Blessings, Cole 

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Hospitality Ministry

Sunday November 23rd there will be no Hospitality. Instead please support the BAKE SALE to raise funds for the painting of St. Anne's courtyard.  

Adult volunteers are earnestly needed to assist the Hospitality Ministry on a roster basis with 9am set-up /10am tear-down.  To volunteer or for more information, please email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Fr. John's Travels

Fr. John will be out of Hong Kong from Sunday evening, November 16th, until Friday evening, November 21st, for Maryknoll business.

During that time, Frs. Bill Galvin and Adam Gudalefsky will cover the mass schedule and any other contingencies. They can be reached at the Maryknoll House, Stanley: 2813-0357. 

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St. Anne’s “Fr. Elmer BBQ” on Sunday December 7, 2014

St. Anne’s “Fr. Elmer BBQ” on Sunday December 7, 2014
Tickets go on sale November 8th!  They will be available after Mass on Saturdays and Sundays and at the Parish Office during regular office hours.  Tickets are:
  • $100 each for adults
  • $50 each for domestic workers, children under 12, and seniors between 65 and 75.
Children under 3 and seniors over 75 are admitted free. Prices will increase by 50% after December 1st, so buy your tickets early!  For details, please pick up a flyer at the back of the Church.

More volunteers needed! Please contact Ken Ward at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Donations for Lucky Draws and White Elephant Gifts can be dropped off at the Parish Office with Jacqueline and Desmond during regular office hours on Saturdays (9:30-12:00, 1:00-5:30) and Sundays (8:30-2:00, 3:00-4:30)

Live Performance for the BBQ - Calling all musicians, dancers, thespians, magicians, and other entertainers of all ages...we need your talents for this year's parish BBQ on December 7! If you are interested in performing at the BBQ, please contact Maureen Canham at 6447 7265 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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