Walk To Emmaus #63 and #64, October 2014

Walk To Emmaus #63 and #64, October 2014
Do you wish you could spend three days off to rediscover your faith and the life-enhancing power of the Holy Spirit? If the answer is "YES" (or even "maybe"), then the Walk to Emmaus retreat is for you.

The Walk to Emmaus is a 3½ day residential weekend retreat held at Maryknoll House (in Stanley).  It is an ecumenical retreat linking Christians from many churches in Hong Kong.  You will spend three busy, but very enjoyable days in study, prayer, worship and discussion, centering around 15 talks given by both laity and clergy.  A great many St. Anne's parishioners have taken part in a Walk to Emmaus retreat over the years and have found it to be a life-changing experience.

The upcoming walks, #63 and #64 in the series, will be held on October 9-12 (Men) and October 16-19 (Women).  Additional information can be found on the WTE website at www.hkwalktoemmaus.org

For any questions or to express interest, please contact:

MEN: Patrick Kaye at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Hubie Lem at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WOMEN: Janice Choa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Gigi Tse at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  1443 Hits

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry still seeks volunteers to help with set up, supervising tables and assisting with clearing up on Sunday's 9:15AM – 10:00am on Sunday's when hospitality occurs twice a month.

Hospitality is offered after Sunday 8.45AM Mass on a pre-determined schedule linked to the religious education class timetable. It's offers an opportunity for parishioners of all ages to gather and share a drink or snack in a spirit of community.  If you can help or have further questions, please email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We wish to thank the confirmation students who joined hospitality ministry volunteers in sponsoring this Sunday's Hospitality table donations.

The next Hospitality table will be Sunday, October 12th sponsored by the FHC class (De Clerck).

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Matteo Ricci Adventure Workshop

Matteo Ricci Adventure Workshop
The Asia Society Manager, Ms. Sally Yeung, came over last Sunday Sept 14 and conducted the Matteo Ricci Workshop. 

A group of CCD children watched a presentation on the work of Asia Society, the recent exhibition of Caravaggio’s painting Supper at Emmaus, and cultural and scientific influences Matteo Ricci bought to the East. 

They learnt about the long journey that Matteo Ricci made from Italy to China and made adventure pop up postcards. They also made a kaleidoscope, which Matteo Ricci first brought to China as well as the prism it contains.  Both parents and children had a great time!

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Parish BBQ Organizational Meeting

There will be a meeting for all of those who are interested in helping to plan this year's St. Anne's BBQ in December.

The meeting will be held September 17th in the Parish Council Meeting Room Upstairs.

If interested, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board or contact Ken Ward.

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Hospitality Ministy

The Hospitality Ministry seeks volunteers to join a team of parents supporting CCD class teachers to coordinate and provide oversight of their hospitality sessions.

Hospitality occurs once or twice a month after the Sunday 8.45AM Mass on a pre-determined schedule linked to the religious education class timetable.

Please consider signing up for this Ministry on Service Sunday, September 7th or email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

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Matteo Ricci Adventure Workshop

The Asia Society Hong Kong Centre will be organizing a special workshop at St. Anne’s for children aged 6-12.  The workshop will focus on the mission to China of Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci.

Sunday, September 14th, 2:00PM to 4:30PM, in the CCD classroom.

Exploration, trade, and Jesuit missions brought Italians to Asia as early as the late 1200s.  Italian Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci was one of the most notable pioneers in European-Chinese cultural dialogue.  In the year that Caravaggio painted the second Supper at Emmaus (exhibited recently in Hong Kong), 1605-1606, Ricci was also leaving marks of Christ’s teaching in a book of woodcuts for Chinese officials for which he was asked to provide visual illustrations.

Through age-appropriate arts and crafts activities, this interactive workshop will provide students with fun opportunities to revisit Ricci's journey to the East, recreate inventions he brought about, and understand how Ricci paved the way for the two nations to inspire and influence each other for hundreds of years to come.

For inquiries and sign up, please email Irene Jackson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Volunteers needed please to help with the children's craft! 

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In Support of Christian Communities Under Persecution

Pope Francis is appealing to all dioceses worldwide to offer special prayers for Christian communities which are being persecuted in different countries. In particular, he has mentioned those Christian communities in northern Iraq which are defenseless. The Holy Father is also calling on the international community to protect and give all necessary assistance to those who are affected by violence or have been homeless.

In response to the appeal of the Holy Father, our Diocese has donated some emergency relief funds through Caritas-Hong Kong in aid of those concerned. Furthermore, Cardinal John Tong will preside at a special prayer meeting on Wednesday, 20 August, at 8:00PM, at the Cathedral, Caine Road.

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Father John in New York

Father John has been asked to participate in the General Chapter of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in New York. He will leave the parish on August 25th and will return on October 1st.  

Fr. Ed Phillips, Pastor Emeritus, will conduct all liturgical affairs during Fr. John's absence.

All business requiring the attention of a priest or the pastor should be directed to the Parish Office, from whence it will be redirected to a priest or church authority already on standby. 

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Parking Labels

St. Anne's has again been graciously given a very limited number of parking labels by St. Stephen's for Sunday morning parking during liturgies from September 2014 through June 2015. 

Interested parishioners should fill in an application in the Parish Office, with the understanding that not everyone may be accommodated.

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Fund-Raising for Yunnan Earthquake Victims

As an expression of our solidarity with our brethren suffering from the earthquake that took place in Yunnan on August 3rd, Cardinal John Tong is appealing to the faithful to pray for them and the rescue workers. The Cardinal is also appealing for our generous support for the emergency relief efforts to be undertaken with the collaboration of Caritas - Hong Kong and the partnership of the Church in Mainland China. St. Anne’s will take up a second collection during Masses August 16th & 17th

Additional donation methods include the following:

By Crossed Cheques:  Cheques from parishes and individual donors should be made payable to “ Caritas - Hong Kong ” (with indication “ Yunnan Earthquake Victims “ at the back) and sent to the Finance Office, Caritas- Hong Kong, Room 407, Caritas House, 2 Caine Road, Hong Kong. Please indicate donor’s name and address if receipt is needed.

By Direct Bank-in:  Donations may be credited directly in to Caritas- Hong Kong’s account at ICBC ( Asia ), Current Account No. 721-010-001606. If receipt is needed, please send the bank-in slip with donor’s name and address written at the back to the Finance Office of Caritas - Hong Kong.
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New Assignments for Bishops in Hong Kong

On Friday, July 11, 2014 it was announced simultaneously in Rome and in Hong Kong that:

  1. The Holy Father Pope Francis did not accept Cardinal Tong's resignation on his 75th birthday, and instead extended his term for 3 years as Bishop of Hong Kong.
  2. The Holy Father Pope Francis then further announced that he had named three new Auxiliary Bishops for Hong Kong: Fr. Michael Yeung, the current Vicar General of the Diocese; Fr. Stephen Lee of Opus Dei, and Fr. Joseph Ha of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans).

Let us join with these Bishops in heart and in prayer as they begin to shepherd us and the Diocese of Hong Kong. 

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Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council

This Sunday, July 6th, members of the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council will be at the back of the church to greet people, tell of their activities and services, and to elicit your support.

The Council has been instrumental in keeping many marriages healthy, together, and intact. They accomplish this through couple counseling, mediation counseling, pre-marriage education, marriage enrichment, family planning and sex therapy, and integrated family services.

Please be generous after the Masses this Sunday morning. 

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First Friday

This Friday, June 6th, is the First Friday of the month. A Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart will be held in the Parish Hall at 7:30 in the evening
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World Communication Day

The 48th World Communications Day will be celebrated on the Solemnity of the Ascension, 1 June 2014. The main theme is “Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter”.

In accordance with the usual practice, a second collection for the promotion of the media apostolate in our diocese is to be taken up at all public Masses the weekend of May 31 - June1. 
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Church Beatification

The Church Beautification Ministry would like to thank those parents and grand parents of kids from the First Holy Communion Classes for helping to decorate the pews in preparation for the 2 FHC Ceremonies held on May 24 (Saturday). Your work beautified the church greatly. 
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Farewell Reception on Sunday, June 8th

The parish will sponsor a small reception after the 11:15AM Mass on Sunday, June 8th, to wish farewell to those persons and families who will be leaving leave our parish community before the start of the new school year in August, and to give those same persons an opportunity to bid their farewells to us.

Depending on weather, the reception will be held either in the schoolyard or the parish hall.

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World Communication Day

The 48th World Communications Day will be celebrated on the Solemnity of the Ascension, 1 June 2014. The main theme is “Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter”.

In accordance with the usual practice, a second collection for the promotion of the media apostolate in our diocese is to be taken up at all public Masses the weekend of May 31 - June 1.

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Church Beautification

The Church Beautification Ministry would like to thank the parents of the Confirmandi who had come to help decorate the pews for last Saturday's Confirmation Ceremony.

Your helping hands had beautified St. Anne's greatly.

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Hospitality Ministry, May 18, 2014

Thank you to the Grade 6 CCD Class for their Hospitality offering this Sunday. This marks the last Hospitality Table of the current CCD calendar year.  Hospitality returns after the resumption of CCD classes in the fall. 

If you wish to volunteer to help coordinate the Hospitality Ministry or assist on the Committee, please email Celine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Hospitality Ministry Committee wishes to offer sincere thanks to the many St. Anne's Church parishioners who supported the ministry this year by donating baked items or with volunteer hours. We are very grateful for your support, without which the Hospitality Ministry would not be able to continue.  

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Mother's Day

The pastoral staff and parishioners of St. Anne's wish all women among us a Blest Mother's Day

Whether you have children or not, whether those children are grown or not, our parish community has been blessed by you all in the many ways, big and small, acknowledged or unrecognized, that you have consistently encouraged and supported us so willingly and so abundantly with motherly concern, care and affection.

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