This section contains annoucements and information of general interest to the St. Anne's community

Second Collection for the Victims of the Sichuan Earthquake

As an expression of our solidarity with our brethren suffering from the earthquake in Sichuan on 20 April, Cardinal John Tong is appealing to the faithful to pray for them and the rescue workers, as well as for our generous support in today's second collection for the emergency relief efforts to be undertaken with the collaboration of Caritas-Hong Kong and the partnership of the Church in Mainland China.

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Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held at St. Anne's Church on Thursday mornings, 10:00AM-12:00PM.

All are invited for a quiet prayer experience in this devotion to the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

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Photos wanted for the St. Anne's Website!

Photos wanted for the St. Anne's Website!

The parish website is undergoing a facelift, and we are actively seeking photographic images depicting parish life, the many activities of our parish ministries, and, of course, the various special events that take place throughout the year. 

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to contribute!

  1402 Hits

Retirement of Dominic Chau

Retirement of Dominic Chau

On the 17th of March, the Parish gathered to recognize Dominic Chau, our parish Facilities Manager, on the occasion of his retirement. 

Please join us once again in thanking Dominic for his many years of faithful service to St. Anne’s Church!

Download the Image:   Retirement of Dominic Chau

  1722 Hits

Mass Schedule for Easter Monday

On Easter Monday there will be no English Mass. The only Mass offered will be in Cantonese at 7:15 am at the Carmelite Monastery.


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Holy Week Mass Schedule 2013

Friday, March 22nd
St. Anne's: Confession Service (Chinese) at 8PM

Palm Sunday, March 24th
St. Anne's: 8:45AM, 11:15AM, 6:00PM (English), 9:45AM (Chinese)

Holy Thursday, March 28th
The Lord's Supper

     St. Anne's: 8:00PM (Bilingual)
     Carmelite Chapel: 6:30PM (Chinese)

Good Friday, March 29th
Stations of the Cross

     St. Anne's: 9:00AM (Chinese), 10:00AM (English)
Liturgy of the Lord's Passion
     St. Anne's: 3:00PM (Chinese), 5:00PM (English)
          Confession Service (English) before and after the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
          Confession Service (Chinese) after the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
     Carmelite Chapel: 3:00PM (Chinese) 

Easter Vigil, March 30th
St. Anne's: 6:00PM (English), 8:30PM (Chinese)
Carmelite Chapel: 8:00PM (Chinese)

Easter Sunday, March 31st
St. Anne's: 8:45AM, 11:15AM, 6:00PM (English), 10:00AM (Chinese)
Carmelite Chapel: 8:00AM (Chinese)
Parkview: 10:00AM (English)
Shek O: 9:00AM (English)


  1482 Hits

Benedictine Principles and Applying them to Parenthood

A Retreat conducted by Fr. Chad Boulton, Senior Chaplain of Ampleforth College in the UK (a co-educational Catholic boarding school for 13-18 year olds)

The programme includes an introduction to the Rule of St. Benedict (written in the 6th Century), monastic prayer, discussion about how Benedictine principles for living in community guide school and family relationships.

We will begin with a light lunch, and end with Mass.   The Retreat is designed for parents of teenagers, who are interested in learning about monastic principles in relation to raising teenagers into responsible and spiritual young adults.

Saturday March 23rd from 12pm - 5pm at PIME House, 843 Clear Water Bay Road, Silverstrand, HK

Suggested donation: $200 per person to cover our costs and lunch.

Please register with Carla Basto Clark: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1347 Hits

Girl Scout Sunday, March 10th

Girl Scout Sunday, March 10th

St. Anne's is pleased to support the efforts of the Hong Kong Committee of Girl Scouts on Girl Scout Sunday next Sunday, March 10th.  

Girls all over the world will mark Girl Scouts Sunday by wearing their uniform to their family's worship service, and we encourage all of our Girl Scouts to participate.

The purpose of this special day is to reflect upon the importance of the words, “to serve God”, in the Girl Scout Promise.

  1150 Hits

How Do I Pray?

This is a question that many people ask. Join with Nita Ng of the Jesuit Retreat House to explore and experience different ways of praying. It will invigorate you.

The workshop will take place on Sunday March 10th from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the parish hall.

Step away from all the rush and stress of your life and spend a few hours to explore inner peace.


  30 Hits

Christian Women's Conference

CWC2013 will be held on Saturday, March 9th, at the high school campus of HKIS in Tai Tam.  The keynote speaker is Sandra Gillard from England, who will speak on the theme “Complete in Him” based on Colossians 2:6-10.  

Visit the CWC website at for more details and for Sandra's bio. 

Contact Ha Gavlik for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1346 Hits