As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at

As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at Or else, just stop by and talk with us after Mass. All musicians are welcome!


Music Ministry


Hubie Lem has arranged for us to have a choral lesson with Maestro Aurelio Porfiri on April 15th from 2-3pm in the school music room. 

This is a great opportunity to learn from a choir master. All are welcome! Please let Peggie Fitch know if you plan to join at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1082 Hits

Music Ministry

The music ministry wishes God's blessings for you and your family in the new year! Many thanks to everyone who sang and accompanied in the choir at the Christmas masses, especially accompanists Oliver Wong and Jennie Li (keyboard) and Christina Flores (guitar), and solo vocalists Jocelyn La-ab, and Jam General

Please join us in singing, and help us fill the church with joyful music!

  983 Hits

October Music Schedule and Line-Up

Dear music ministry members,

The schedule and line-up for October are attached. Thanks to Jam for the music selections.
Besides singing, there are other ways to help the music ministry. We have some new choir books and we need a volunteer (volunteers) to protect them with book covers before we put them out into the cabinet.

Also, we need help in selecting the music to sing. Currently it is Jam and I who select the music. If you'd like to help do this (once every three months), please let me know. I can point you to resources to help with the selection and also provide you with samples of what we have done in past years.

Please also spread the word for friends and parishioners to join us in the music ministry. All musicians/singers and all ages, are welcome. We especially have a need for an additional keyboard player to play once in a while as a substitute.

Peace, Peggie

  1098 Hits

Music Ministry

The music ministry needs another keyboard accompanist. If you play the piano and can volunteer to help us, even if only once a month, please contact me, Peggie Fitch, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you can help, you will find it a very rewarding way of participating in the mass and connecting with other parishioners.

  1039 Hits

Music Ministry

If you enjoy making music, please join us in the music ministry. We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists. Our members are all ages and all nationalities and we always welcome new members. If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or else e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

  1041 Hits

Music Ministry Schedule and Line-up for June

Dear Music Ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for June are attached. 

We had two broadcast masses last month. Here are the links if you'd like to listen:

  • May 7th -
  • May 21st -

Thanks to the singers who came for the Confirmation and First Holy Communion services in May, and congratulations to the youth of the parish on receiving these sacraments. 

As this is almost the end of the school year, I'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents to the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

  • To Jam General for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • To Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee, and Oliver Wong for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • To cantors/soloists Lea Faigmani, Jam General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, Oliver Wong, Teresa Peabody, Jano Donato, and Fernanda da Rosa. 
  • To May Clarito, Christina Flores and Jano Donato for guitar accompaniment.
  • Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
  • And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week. 

You are the backbone of the music ministry and it is a joy to make music with you. 

Thank you all so much!


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  1668 Hits

Music Ministry

Many thanks to the musicians who are providing music for this Saturday's Confirmation ceremony. 

We are still RECRUITING SINGERS for the First Holy Communion ceremony on May 20th at 10:30am. Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community. Let's come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish. 

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1289 Hits

Music Ministry

Thanks to all the choirs for singing at the Easter week services. Thanks especially to Ingrid Tsui, accompanist and Bosco Chan, director of the Chinese choir for the bilingual service on Holy Thursday; to Hunmin Kim for accompanying on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and to the cantors Jam General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, and Fernanda da Rosa.The music ministry wishes everyone a Happy Easter!

HELP WANTED! We are recruiting singers for two upcoming ceremonies: Confirmation on May 13th at 10am and First Holy Communion on May 20th at 10:30am. Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community. Let's come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish. For more details, or to volunteer, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1136 Hits

Music Ministry

Dear music ministry members,

The schedule and line-up for April are attached.

Easter is coming soon. The schedule of rehearsals and masses is below. Please let me know which services you can attend.

  • April 13th Holy Thursday bi-lingual mass with the Chinese Choir, at 8pm. There will be two rehearsals: the first will be on Sunday April 9th at 12:15 in the music room, and the second will be on Holy Thursday April 13th at 7pm in the church. Ingrid Tsui will be the accompanist and Bosco Chan will be the director. This year we have made some changes to the music and have reprinted the choir booklets. The English mass parts will be changed to the Mass of Christ the Savior (the set that we are currently singing) instead of the Mass of Creation.
  • April 14th Good Friday service, at 5pm. Rehearsal will be at 3:45pm in the music room. Hunmin Kim will be the accompanist and Jano Donato will sing the responsorial psalm.
  • April 15th Easter Vigil at 7pm. Rehearsal will be at 5:45pm in the church. I will be the accompanist. Pat Kozyra will sing the exsultet, and Pat, Jocelyn La-ab, and Fernanda da Rosa will sing the responsorial psalms.
  • April 16th Easter Sunday, rehearsals and mass are as usual for Sundays.


Many thanks to all of you for your support of the music ministry,


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  1343 Hits

March Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

The schedule and line-up for March are attached.Thanks to Jam General for all the selections.

This Wednesday, March 1st is Ash Wednesday.We will have music for the 8pm mass, with Hunmin Kim as the accompanist.Please join the choir if you are able to come that evening. Rehearsal will be at 7:30pm.

Reminder: during Lent, we do not sing the Gloria, and we will change the Gospel acclamation to be the Lenten Gospel Acclamation.

Congratulations to the Legion of Mary who are celebrating their 27th Anniversary today, and thanks to many of their members who sing at the 8:45 mass on Sundays.



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  1294 Hits

Music Ministry

The music ministry wishes God's blessings for you and your family at Christmas and in the new year! Many thanks to everyone who will be singing and accompanying in the choir at the Christmas masses, especially accompanists Hunmin Kim (keyboard), her sons Brian and Alex (violin), and Agnes Lee (keyboard), as well as solo vocalists Pat Kozyra, Oliver Wong and Lea Faigmani. Please join us in singing, and help us fill the church with joyful music!

  1317 Hits

Music Ministry

If you enjoy making music, please join us in the music ministry. We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists. Our members are all ages and all nationalities and we always welcome new members. If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or else e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1375 Hits

August Music Line Up

Dear Music Ministry members,

The schedule and line-up for August are attached.Thanks to Jam General for the hymn selections.

Because some people are away on vacation during August, we have to cut back on a few things. Saturday evening mass in August will be a quiet mass with no music, and the responsorial psalms on Sundays will be read rather than sung. We plan to go back to our usual practice in September with music on Saturday evenings and cantors for the responsorial psalms at all masses.

With the start of the new school year, new parishioners may start coming to St. Anne's. Please welcome them to our parish community and also encourage them to join us in the music ministry.



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  1698 Hits

Music Ministry

As this is almost the end of the school year, we'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents to the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

  • Big thanks to Agnes Lee for coordinating the music ministry for half of the year and for arranging voice lesson for us.
  • To Agnes Lee, Stella Woo, and Jam General for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • To Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee, Hubie Lem, and Jennie Li for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • To cantors/soloists Lea Faigmani, Jam General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, Oliver Wong, Teresa Peabody, Jano Donato, and Stella Woo.
  • To Paul de Guzman, May Clarito, and Jano Donato for guitar accompaniment.
  • To Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
  • Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
  • And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry and there would be no music without you.
  1469 Hits

June music line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for June are attached. Thanks to Jam General for the June hymn selections.

The May 8th 8:45 mass was broadcast on RTHK Radio 4. I think the broadcast came out very well. If you'd like to listen to the archive it is at:

Thanks to the singers who came for the Confirmation and First Holy Communion services in May. Congratulations - we made it through another year!

As this is almost the end of the school year, I'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents to the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

  • Big thanks to Agnes Lee for coordinating the music ministry for half of the year and for arranging voice lessons for us.
  • To Agnes Lee, Stella Woo and Jam General for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • To Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee, Hubie Lem and Jennie Li for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • To cantors/soloists Lea Faigmani, Jam General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, Oliver Wong, Teresa Peabody, Jano Donato and Stella Woo.
  • To Paul de Guzman, May Clarito and Jano Donato for guitar accompaniment.
  • To Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
  • Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
  • And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry and there would be no music without you.

Thank you all so much!


*** below is the attached line-up ***


  • Entrance: Lord of All Faithfulness - 560
  • Responsorial Psalm: I Will Praise You, Lord - 30
  • Offertory: Only in God - 591
  • Communion: Behold the Lamb - 824
  • Recessional: God has Chosen Me - 669


  • Entrance: All are Welcome - 741
  • Responsorial Psalm: Forgive, Lord, the Guilt of my Sin - sheet
  • Offertory: Remember Your Love - 851
  • Communion: In Remembrance of You - 819
  • Recessional: The Kingdom of God - 639


  • Entrance: Embrace My Way and Cross - 698
  • Responsorial Psalm: My Soul is Thirsting - 43
  • Father's Day Song: God of Adam, God of Joseph - 870
  • Offertory: God is Love - 608
  • Communion: Now We Remain - 696
  • Recessional: Lift High the Cross - 785


  • Entrance: We are Called - 710
  • Responsorial Psalm: You will Show Me the Path of Life - 19
  • Offertory: Here I Am, Lord - 671
  • Communion: The Love of the Lord - 680
  • Recessional: Jerusalem, My Destiny - 399
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  1797 Hits

Music Ministry

We still need singers for Confirmation on May 14th and First Holy Communion on May 21st

Also, if you'd like to sing at Fr. Bill Galvin's memorial mass on Friday, May 13th, please let me know.

Many of our regular choir members are not free to come on a Friday or a Saturday, so we welcome singers from the parish community.

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For choir members, there will be another choir lesson with Eric Monson on May 15th at 4pm, and all are welcome to join.

  1375 Hits

Music Ministry

HELP WANTED! We are recruiting singers for two upcoming ceremonies: Confirmation on May 14th and First Holy Communion on May 21st.

Many of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community. Let's come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish.

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1247 Hits

Music Ministry

Dear Music Ministry Members,

The schedule and line-up for May are in the attached PDF files.

As usual, we have two ceremonies in May. The Confirmation Ceremony will be at 4pm on May 14th, and the two First Holy Communion Ceremonies will be at 10:30am and 3:00pm on May 21st. We need singers, so if you can sing, please let me know.

On May 15th, we will have another voice lesson with Eric Monson at 4pmand all choir members are welcome to join.

The May Crowning is on May 22nd at the 11:15 mass. 11:15 choir, please choose an appropriate hymn in honor of Mary and amend the line-up for that mass.



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File Name: First-Holy-Communion-2016.pdf
File Size: 20 kb
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  1148 Hits

Music Ministry

Do you like music? Do you play the keyboard? 

The music ministry needs another keyboard accompanist

If you play the piano and can volunteer to help us, even if only once a month, please contact me, Peggie Fitch, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We're a good group, and you will find it a very rewarding way of participating in the mass.

  1138 Hits

Music Ministry Thanks Hubie Lem

The music ministry would like to give special thanks to Hubie Lem, who is one of our regular accompanists and has been involved in the music ministry at St. Anne's for over 10 years.  He will be going back to New York in mid-March.  We will miss him greatly, and we hope he comes back to Hong Kong soon and often.

Thanks, Hubie, for being a part of our music ministry!

  1401 Hits