As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at

As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at Or else, just stop by and talk with us after Mass. All musicians are welcome!


Music Ministry

I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my plea last week for singers for the Confirmation ceremony on May 17thWe still need more singers for the First Holy Communion ceremony on May 24th.  Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community.  Let’s come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish.  For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Confirmation - May 17th - rehearsal at 4:30PM in the church; ceremony at 6:00PM

First Holy Communion - May 24th - rehearsal at 10:30AM in the church; morning ceremony at 11:30AM, and afternoon ceremony at 3:00PM
  981 Hits

Music Ministry

We will continue with music training at 3:00PM on Sunday, May 4th, in the music room, for those who wish to join.  We have already spent two sessions on rhythm and counting; this session will continue with some rhythm drills and expand into learning some harmonies.

HELP WANTED!  We are recruiting singers for two upcoming ceremonies: Confirmation on May 17th and First Holy Communion on May 24th.  Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community.  Let’s come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish.  For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  949 Hits

May Music Line-up

Dear music ministry members,

Please click below for the line-up and schedule for May:

May Music Line-up
May Schedule
Music Line-up for Confirmation
Music Line-up for First Holy Communion

I’d like to thank to all of our music ministry members who provided music at the Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday services. 

Thanks to the Chinese Choir for joining with us on Holy Thursday for the bi-lingual Mass, especially Miranda Kwan the Chinese Choir director and Ingrid Tsui the accompanist. 

Additional special thanks go to the following music ministry members: for Friday, accompanist Hubie Lem and cantor Stella Woo; for Saturday, accompanist Jennie Li and cantors David Helfer, Stella Woo, and Pat Kozyra; and for Sunday, accompanists Hunmin Kim and Paul De Guzman, and cantor Lea Faigmani. 

We have a busy May coming up, especially with the Confirmation and the First Holy Communion ceremonies on May 17th and 24th. 

The 8:45 Mass on May 4th will be broadcast on RTHK Radio 4.  Agnes Lee will be the accompanist, and it would be great if Amar Bhardwaj could also play trumpet that day too. 

We will continue with music training at 3pm on May 4th in the music room for those who wish to join.  We have already spent two sessions on rhythm and counting; this session will continue with some rhythm drills and expand into learning some harmonies. 

May 11th is Mothers’ Day, and we should prepare a song or instrumental piece for when the roses are distributed.  A good one might be ‘Hail Mary, Gentle Woman’, p. 779, but each group can have their own choosing.

The Rite of Confirmation will be held on Saturday, May 17th at the 6pm Mass.  We need singers for the choir!  Please join if at all possible, and please ask your friends from the parish to join also.  Rehearsal will be at 4:30pm.

There are two ceremonies for First Holy Communion; both will be held on Saturday, May 24th.  One is at 11:30am and one is at 3pm.  Again we really need singers!  Please join the choir and ask your friends too.  Rehearsal will be at 10:30am.  We will break for lunch after the first ceremony and return again for the 3pm ceremony.  

The May Crowning will be on Sunday May 25th at the 11:15 Mass. 

The schedule for the 11:15 cantors will be May 4th and 11th - Jam, and May 18th –Lea. 

Our guitarist, Bruce Ueland, will be moving back to the US in June with his wife Pat.  Bruce has been a key player for the 8:45 Mass for many years (I think 14 or 15 years already).  Please join me in giving him our sincere thanks and appreciation for his music and our best wishes to him and Pat in their move. 

  1311 Hits

Music Ministry

Many thanks to all of our music ministry members who provided music at the Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday services.  

Thanks to the Chinese Choir for joining with us on Holy Thursday for the bi-lingual Mass, especially Miranda Kwan the Chinese Choir director and Ingrid Tsui the accompanist.  

Additional special thanks go to the following music ministry members: for Friday, accompanist Hubie Lem and cantor Stella Woo; for Saturday, accompanist Jennie Li and cantors David Helfer, Stella Woo, and Pat Kozyra; and for Sunday, accompanists Hunmin Kim and Paul De Guzman, and cantor Lea Faigmani.  

Happy Easter to all!
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Music Ministry

All are welcome to join the choir for Easter!   Our rehearsal schedule is as follows:
  • Holy Thursday – 8:00PM bilingual Mass – rehearsal at 7:00PM in the church with the Chinese choir.  Ingrid Tsui will be the accompanist.
  • Good Friday – 5:00PM service - rehearsal at 3:45PM in the music room.  Hubie Lem will be the accompanist, and Stella Woo the cantor.
  • Easter Vigil – 7:00PM service - rehearsal at 5:45PM in the church.  Jennie Li will be the accompanist, and the cantors will be David Helfer, Stella Woo, and Pat Kozyra.
  • Easter Sunday – rehearsals as usual for Sundays – Peggie Fitch will accompany at 8:45AM, and Hunmin Kim will accompany at 11:15AM, with Lea Faigmani as the cantor.
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April Music Line-up

Dear music ministry members,

Here is the line-up and schedule for April:

April Music line-up (revised)
April Schedule (revised)

Thanks to Stella Woo for the selections. 

Accompanists and cantors: I may not have checked with everyone before deciding the schedule, so please let me know if the schedule is not good for you, and we can make some changes. 

We will have community choir (that means everyone is welcome!) for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. 

•    Holy Thursday bilingual Mass – rehearsal at 7pm in the church with the Chinese choir.  Ingrid Tsui will be the accompanist
•    Good Friday – rehearsal at 3:45 in the music room.  Hubie Lem will be the accompanist
•    Easter Vigil – rehearsal at 5:45 in the church.  Jennie Li will be the accompanist
•    Easter Sunday – rehearsals as usual for Sundays – I will accompany at 8:45, and Hunmin Kim will accompany at 11:15. 

If you can, please let me know if you are able to come for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and/or the Easter Vigil, to help with our planning. 

We will have another music training session on April 6th at 3pm in the music room.  It will be the same format as last month, so if you missed the session last month, if you want a refresher, or if you just want to have some fun, then plan to come.  The lesson will be about rhythm, counting, and reading the music scores.  All are welcome to attend.   

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Music Ministry

Rehearsal for the Ash Wednesday service at 8:00PM on March 5th will take place beforehand at 7:30PM.  Please come and sing if you can. 

As requested by the Filipino choir, we will hold a music class on the first Sunday of each month at 3:00PM in the school music room.  The first session will be this Sunday, March 2nd. We will start by learning more about rhythm, counting, and reading the music scores.  All are welcome to attend.   
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March Music Line-up

Dear music ministry members,

Ash Wednesday is on March 5th, and there will be a Mass in the evening at 8pm.  Please let me know if you are planning to come and would like to sing.  Rehearsal will be at 7:30. 

During Lent, we will not sing the Gloria, and we will change the gospel acclamation from the Alleluia that we sing during ordinary time to the Lenten acclamation.  

As requested by the Filipino choir, we will hold a music class on the first Sunday of each month at 3pm in the school music room.  The first session will be next Sunday, March 2nd.  We will start by learning more about rhythm, counting, and reading the music scores.  All are welcome to attend. 

March Music Line-up
March Schedule

  1157 Hits

February Music Line-up

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for February are below.  Thanks to Stella Woo for the selections.  

We have another keyboard accompanist to re-join the music ministry, Hubie Lem, who will accompany once a month on Saturday evenings.  Welcome back, Hubie!

I have ordered 15 more choir hymnals because we only have 14 hymnals in the cabinet now (we should have over 20 copies).  We need to take good care of the new hymnals because the version that we use, Gather Comprehensive II, is now out of print, and the new version, Gather III, does not match the hymnals in the pews.  If someone has time to help me put book-covers on the new hymnals to protect them, please let me know.  

Cantors for the 11:15 Mass will be Stella on February 2nd and 16th, and Lea on February 9th. 



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Music Ministry, December 29, 2013

Many thanks to all who did the music for the Christmas services, especially Bruce Ueland, Paul De Guzman, Jennie Li, and Agnes Lee

The music ministry wishes everyone a blessed Christmas and happiness in the New Year! 

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January Music Line-up

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for January are as follows:

Rehearsals for the Christmas Masses will be:

  • For the December 24th 5pm Christmas Family Mass - rehearsal at 4pm;
  • For the Christmas Midnight Mass - rehearsals at 4pm on December 15th and at 3pm on December 22nd;
  • For the Christmas Day 8:45 Mass - warmup at 8:15am;
  • For the Christmas Day 11:15 Mass - warmup at 10:30am (in the school music room).

Many thanks to all who will be singing and playing at Christmas, and safe travels to all who will be away.  May I wish you and your families joy at this Christmas season!  


  1170 Hits

Music Ministry, December 8, 2013

On Thursday, December 12th, there is an Advent Reconciliation Service at 7:30pm.  Agnes Lee will accompany.  Now, we need singers.  Choir members, please let me know if you can come and sing.

Christmas is coming!  Please let me know if you are here for Christmas and plan to join the choir.  Even if you are not a regular member of the music ministry, you are most welcome join us, especially for the Christmas Eve Family Mass, when many of our regular choir members have work obligations. 

We are still looking for an accompanist for the Christmas Midnight Mass, either a guitarist or a pianist (or both).  If you can help us, or if you know someone who can help us, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or come talk with one of the choir members after Mass. 

  987 Hits

Music Ministry, December 1, 2013

This week we will change the Mass parts to the Mass of Christ the Savior by Dan Schutte.  Please sing along with the choir! 

There is a rehearsal for all choir members after the 11:15 Mass on December 1st to learn the new Gloria.  Choir members, please join this rehearsal if you can.

Help needed!  We still need an accompanist for the Christmas Midnight Mass, either a guitarist or a pianist (or both).  If you can help us, or if you know someone who can help us, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or come talk with one of the choir members after Mass.  

  1098 Hits

December Music Line-up

Dear music ministry members,  

The line-up and the schedule for December are as follows.  Many thanks to Stella Woo for the selections. 

Rehearsals for the Christmas Masses will be:  

  • For the December 24th 5pm Christmas Family Mass - rehearsal at 4pm;
  • For the Christmas Midnight Mass - rehearsals at 4pm on December 15th and at 3pm on December 22nd;
  • For the Christmas Day 8:45 Mass - warmup at 8:15am;
  • For the Christmas Day 11:15 Mass - warmup at 10:30am (in the school music room).   

Also, for the December 12th reconciliation service, please join the choir if you are able to come.  Warm-up is at 7:15pm, and the hymns will be: 

  • Opening: Change Our Hearts - 414, 
  • Closing: Hosea - 405  


  1098 Hits

Music Ministry, November 24, 2013

Next week, with the start of Advent, we will change the Mass parts to the Mass of Christ the Savior by Dan Schutte.  There will be a rehearsal for all choir members after the 11:15 Mass on December 1st to learn the new Gloria.  Choir members, please join this rehearsal if you can.

We have need for an additional keyboard accompanist to help substitute when one of our regular accompanists is away.  For musicians, it is a good way to participate in the Mass, and it is also a fun way to contribute your talents to our community.  If you play the piano, and are interested to help, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

  1028 Hits

St. Anne's Music Ministry - Line-up for November

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and the schedule for November are attached below.



In December, I’d like to change to the ‘Mass of Christ the Savior’ for our Mass parts. I’ve attached a pdf file with the music. If you click on the links on the first page, you can listen to the recordings. I will make copies of the music for the choir and accompanists so that we can start practicing in November.


Our choir hymnals seem to be disappearing. We should have over 20 hymnals, but at last count there were only 15. Unless we find the missing books, I will have to place an order for more. If anyone wants to order a personal copy, please let me know. The cost is $HK 200.

The 8:45 Mass on November 3rd is a broadcast Mass, and the 8:45 Ensemble will sing.

The confirmation class reconciliation service is on November 9th at 2pm, and Stella will sing, with Jennie as accompanist.

Cantors for the 11:15 Mass will be Jam and Lea on November 3rd and Stella on November 10th.


  1480 Hits

October Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

Welcome, and thanks those who signed up on Service Sunday to join the music ministry.  Also, thanks to our existing members who re-upped this year.  We now have over 50 musicians in the music ministry – a great start to the year!  

The line-up and the schedule for October are attached below.  Thanks to Stella Woo for the selections.  



Line-up: Music-line-up-2013-10.pdf

Schedule: Choir-Schedule-2013-10.pdf

  996 Hits

Music Ministry Invitation

The aim of the music ministry is to add beauty to the Mass using music.  We hope to offer music as another form of worship and prayer for all parishioners, as well as for choir members ourselves. 

If you like music, you'd enjoy being a part of this ministry.  There are several groups/times to choose from - Saturday evening 6pm, 8:45 Sunday, 11:15 Sunday, Filipino Choir, Legion of Mary Choir, and Youth Group. Rehearsals generally take place one hour before Mass.

We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists, guitar accompanists, and cantors

If you are interested to find out more, stop by at next week's Service Sunday sign-ups, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1389 Hits

September Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

Welcome back to all who were away for the summer!  

The line-up and schedule for September are attached below.  

We are missing Blessie Hugo, our guitarist and music coordinator for the Legion of Mary choir, who has moved back to the Philippines in August.  She says that it’s a temporary move and that she will come back to Hong Kong.  I hope so!  I didn’t have a good chance to say a proper good-bye and to thank her for all that she’s done for us over the years.  She has a beautiful voice, dedication, and willingness to serve, and we miss her.  Come back soon, Blessie!  

Next weekend, August 31st and September 1st, will be Service Sunday. Please encourage our fellow parishioners to join us in the music ministry.  

September 22nd will be a Broadcast Mass at 8:45am, and the Legion of Mary choir will sing.  



September music line-up

September Schedule

  1423 Hits

August Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up for August is attached.

Since I am not sure when everyone will return from their summer holidays, I have not done the schedule yet. Can the accompanists and cantors please let me know when you’d like to resume our normal schedule?

The St. Anne’s Feast Day bi-lingual Mass on July 21st went well, with the help of our choirs, the Chinese choir, and Ingrid Tsui, the accompanist.

This year, St. Anne’s Song was translated to Tagalog by Blessie Hugo, and we were able to sing it in three languages – English, Cantonese, and Tagalog.

September 1st will be Service Sunday. Please encourage our fellow parishioners to join us in the music ministry!




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