As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at

As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at Or else, just stop by and talk with us after Mass. All musicians are welcome!


Music Line-Up and Schedule for January 2015

Dear Music Ministry members,

Many thanks to everyone who sang and accompanied for the Christmas masses!  Merry Christmas to you all, and may God bless you throughout the new year.

The line-up and schedule for January are in the links below:

Music Line Up January 2015
Choir Schedule January 2015

  971 Hits

Music Ministry

We welcome all parishioners (and visitors) to join the choir for Christmas— especially for the Christmas Family Mass when many of our regular choir members cannot join. If you’d like to join, then please let me know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Even if you don’t join the choir, please join us in singing. Let us fill the church with joyful music!

Rehearsal Schedule for Christmas:
  • General rehearsal – Sunday December 21st in the church after the 11:15 Mass — for all those planning to sing at the Christmas midnight Mass.
  • Christmas Family Mass — December 24th — rehearsal at 3:45pm in the church, carols start at 4:45pm, Mass starts at 5pm.
  • Christmas Midnight Mass — December 24th – warmup at 11:15pm in the church, carols start at 11:30pm, Mass starts at midnight.
  • Christmas Day 8:45am — no rehearsal — warmup at 8:30am in the church.
  • Christmas Day 11:15am — no rehearsal — warmup at 11:00am in the church.
The music ministry wishes God’s blessings for you and your family at Christmas and in the new year!
  1043 Hits

Music Ministry

Christmas is next month!  St. Anne's has a tradition of celebrating a Family Mass on Christmas Eve at 5pm, and we need to gather together a choir for this service.  We would love to have the youth musicians of the parish do this.  We are looking for singers as well as instrumental accompanists.  If you will be here in Hong Kong this Christmas and would like to join the choir for the Christmas Family Mass, then please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The music ministry is in dire need of another keyboard accompanist to play at either the Saturday 6pm mass or the Sunday 8:45 mass, once or twice a month.  If you can play the piano and would like to help or to find out more details, PLEASE contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

  1093 Hits

Music line-up for December

Dear Music Ministry members,

Thanks to Stella Woo for the music selections for December:

December Music Line-up
December Schedule

Singers, can you let me know which Christmas Mass you will be attending? We especially need singers for the Christmas Family Mass at 5pm December 24th, so if you can join that mass, please let me know.

Reminder that there is no Gloria during Advent, and that during the Christmas season, we will use the Celtic Alleluia instead of the Alleluia from the Mass of Christ the Savior.

I wish you all a good preparation for Christmas, and safe travels if you are going away!


  1038 Hits

Music Ministry

There is interest in forming a group of men to learn Gregorian Chant and other traditional Catholic forms of prayer through sacred music (e.g.chanting parts of the Liturgy of the Hours). Anyone interested may contact Hubert (Hubie) Lem at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Christmas is next month!  St. Anne's has a tradition of celebrating a Family Mass on Christmas Eve at 5pm, and we need to gather together a choir for this service.  We would love to have the youth musicians of the parish do this.  We are looking for singers as well as instrumental accompanists.  If you will be here in Hong Kong this Christmas and would like to join the choir for the Christmas Family Mass, then please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

  1186 Hits

Music Ministry

There is interest in forming a group of men to learn Gregorian Chant and other traditional Catholic forms of prayer through sacred music (e.g. chanting parts of the Liturgy of the Hours).

Anyone interested may contact Hubert (Hubie) Lem at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  1016 Hits

Music line-up for November

Dear Music Ministry members,

We had a broadcast mass on October 19th. Thanks to the 8:45 choir for the music, which came out very well! If you'd like to listen to the archive, it is on the internet at the RTHK Radio 4 archive.   

The Confirmation class reconciliation ceremony will be held on Saturday November 15th at 3pm, and I will be the accompanist. I’m looking for someone to lead in singing the three hymns for the ceremony. If you are free that afternoon, and would like to help, then please let me know.

Here are the line-up and schedule for November:

November music line-up
November schedule


  1104 Hits

Music line-up for October

Dear Music Ministry members,

Thanks and welcome to our new music ministry members this year.  And thanks to all who continue to serve in this ministry year after year.  I am pleased to let you know that our music ministry now has 47 members, including 4 for Saturday 6pm mass, 17 for Sunday 8:45 mass, and 26 for Sunday 11:15 mass. Our members are from the Filipino, Chinese, and Expat communities, and include young and old, men and women, guitar, keyboard, trumpet, and violin, as well as singers (of course!).

Click the links below for the October line-up and schedule:

October line-up
October Schedule


  1163 Hits

Music Ministry

Thank you to the new volunteers who signed up for the music ministry last week at Service Sunday.

If you didn't sign up last week but would like to join, you have not missed your chance! We welcome new volunteers all year round.

Just stop by to talk with us after mass, or contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  984 Hits

Music Line-up for September

Dear Music Ministry members,

Thanks to Stella Woo for the hymn selections for this month.  Click below for the line-up and the schedule:

September line-up
September schedule

Next week is Service Sunday. Please encourage new members to join the
music ministry! We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we
especially need keyboard accompanists, guitar accompanists, and cantors.


  1102 Hits

Music Ministry

The aim of the music ministry is to add beauty to the Mass using music.  We hope to offer music as another form of worship and prayer for all parishioners, as well as for choir members ourselves. 

If you like music, you'd enjoy being a part of this ministry. 

There are several groups/times to choose from - Saturday evening 6:00PM, 8:45 Sunday, 11:15 Sunday, Filipino Choir, and Legion of Mary Choir.  Rehearsals generally take place one hour before Mass. 

We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists, guitar accompanists, and cantors. 

If you are interested to find out more, sign up next week at Service Sunday, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or e-mail Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1031 Hits

Music Line-up for August

Dear Music Ministry members,

I hope you're all having a good summer.  Thanks to everyone who came to sing for the St. Anne's Feast Day bilingual mass at 10:30 last Sunday.  We had a such a good turn-out, with singers filling the choir area as well as the first three rows of pews. Also thanks to Agnes Lee and the choir members who sang for the broadcast mass that same morning at 8:45.

The line-up and schedule for August are here:

August line-up
August schedule


  983 Hits

Music Ministry

Please join the choir for the St. Anne's Feast Day bilingual Mass on July 27th.  

Rehearsal will be at 9:00AM in the school music room, and the Mass will be at 10:30AM.

There will be Cantonese, English, and Tagalog music, and all members of the community are welcome to join the singing. 

  1022 Hits

Music Line-up for July

Dear music ministry members,

Click below for the line-ups and schedule:

July Music Line-up
June Music Line-up
Summer Schedule

St. Anne’s Feast will be celebrated on July 27th this year, so remember that we have a bi-lingual Mass at 10:30.  The rehearsal will be at 9 in the school music room. 

Safe travels to all who will be away, and thanks to all who will be staying and making music.  I wish you all a happy summer! 


  1121 Hits

Music Ministry

As this is almost the end of the school year, I'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents in the music ministry this year.  In particular, thanks to the following musicians:
  • Stella Woo for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • Jennie Li, Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee and Hubie Lem for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • Cantors/Soloists Pat Kozyra, Stella Woo, Jam Melendez-General, Lea Faigmani, David Helfer, and Hannah Kraebel.
  • Paul de Guzman and Bruce Ueland for their guitar accompaniment.
  • Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.

Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.

And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Maryand theFilipino choirs, who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry - thank you all so much.

-- Peggie Fitch

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Religious Education

Confirmation Students/Families can collect their doves from the CCD office on June 1st from 10:00AM to 11:00AM.

FHC Students/Families can collect their banners at the back of the church after both Masses on June 1st and June 8th. 
  998 Hits

Music Ministry

Many thanks to everyone who provided music for the First Holy Communion ceremonies last week - Bruce Ueland, Fernanda da Rosa, Daisy Flores, Angel Lee, Maureen Canham, Susan Madon, Emily Chang, Naomi Chui, Pat Kozyra and Maria Ronson.

We are blessed to be a part of St. Anne's community and to be able to celebrate this special occasion with our young people. 
  1167 Hits

Music Line-up for June

Dear Music Ministry members,

Please click below for the line-up and schedule for June. 

June Music Line-up
June Schedule

We had a great response from the community for singers for the Confirmation and First Holy Communion ceremonies. In particular, thanks to Jennie Li, Bruce Ueland, Fernanda Da Rosa, Hannah Kraebel, Pat Kozyra, Naomi Chui, Emily Chang, Winnie Pun, Susan Madon, Maria Ronson, and Daisy Flores who gave us the music for the Confirmation ceremony.  And thanks to those who provided music for the First Holy Communion ceremonies - Bruce Ueland, Fernanda da Rosa, Daisy Flores, Angel Lee, Maureen Canham, Susan Madon, Emily Chang, Naomi Chui, Pat Kozyra and Maria Ronson. We are blessed to be a part of St. Anne's community and to be able to celebrate these special occasions with our young people.

Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to a number of our members who will be moving - Bruce Ueland, Arcelli Carrera, and Merlina Lingcallo of the 8:45 choir, and Anne Shearer of the 11:15 choir. I'd like to thank them for all their contributions to the music ministry at St. Anne's and wish them and their families all the best. Also, thanks and good luck to David Helfer who will graduate from high school and will go off to college in the fall.

As this is almost the end of the school year, I’d like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents in the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

• Stella Woo for helping choose the music line-ups.
• Jennie Li, Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee and Hubie Lem for their keyboard accompaniment.
• Cantors/Soloists Pat Kozyra, Stella Woo, Jam Melendez-General, Lea Faigmani, David Helfer, and Hannah Kraebel.
• Paul de Guzman and Bruce Ueland for their guitar accompaniment.
• Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
• Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
• And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry – thank you all so much.

As requested by the Filipino choir, we will continue with music training at 3pm on June 1st in the music room for anyone who wishes to join. The same as last month, we will do rhythm drills, learn about music notation, and practice some harmonies.

The schedule for the 11:15 cantors will be June 1st - Jam, and June 8th – Lea.


  1147 Hits

Music Ministry

Many thanks to Jennie Li, Bruce Ueland, Fernanda Da Rosa, Hannah Kraebel, Pat Kozyra, Naomi Chui, Emily Chang, Winnie Pun, Susan Madon, Maria Ronson, and Daisy Flores who gave us the music for the Confirmation ceremony last Saturday.  We are blessed to be a part of St. Anne's community and to be able to celebrate with the youth of the parish. 

Thanks also to the musicians who are singing/playing in the First Holy Communion ceremonies taking place this Saturday at 11:30AM and 3:00PM.  It is a busy month for us, but we are in the home stretch! 

We are sad to be saying goodbye to a number of our members who will be moving - Bruce Ueland, Arcelli Carrera, and Merlina Lingcallo of the 8:45 choir, and Anne Shearer of the 11:15 choir.  I'd like to thank them for all their contributions to the music ministry at St. Anne's and wish them and their families all the best. 

  1097 Hits

Music Ministry

Thank you to everyone who is participating in the Confirmation ceremony this Saturday, May 17th and the First Holy Communion ceremonies next Saturday. 

Rehearsal for First Holy Communion will take place at 10:30AM in the church next Saturday, the 24th.  The morning ceremony will then take place at 11:30AM and afternoon ceremony, at 3:00PM.

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  957 Hits